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View Full Version : Strange Back Sensations mainly left side

18-11-14, 09:50
Hi Everybody

Freaking out and my Health Anxiety has gone through the roof causing globus sensation and adding to my already extensive stomach issues bloating, nausea, burping and trapped Gas/Wind.

Takign PPI for over 2 years now and Gaviscone adbance last two weeks.

Reason for my current anxiety is back sensations mainly to my left side for a long time at least a year i ahve been getting mild pain or pressure feeling in and around my left shoulder blade. Definielty gets worse with posture at my work desk typing on pc.

More recently possible linked with increase in anxiety the pain/sensation moves around my back sometimes like a bubble pressing on nervers and can go to the middle area spine of my back.

I am convincing myself its pancreatic cancer and worried my eyes have yellow tinges to the corner. Been to GP a number of times and they think muscular or nerve possible IBS related. The problem being and i try to explain is that without further testing my HA wont be alleviated. GP has agreed to a full blood test on monday which fingers crossed will come back okay and allevaite some fears until the next sysmptom to focus on....

I have been given baclofen which i have just started taking kind of hoping it may help with my anxiety also.

Anybody have similar issues with there back for an extended period even typing now i can feel like a feint dull ache coming 3-4 cm below left shoulde blade.
