View Full Version : Is there hope? Can't go on. need help

18-11-14, 10:07
I feel like there is no hope. I'm going to be like this forever. I have been on citalopram since oct and it's not helping. I was on 10mg at the beginning of oct, then went up to 15mg at the end and went up to 20mg last Friday. I'm off work because I just can't face sitting there feeling sick. I feel like I'm always going to feel sick. I have acid reflux and ibs which makes me feel sick and also that time of the month does. I'm never going to be able to cope. I might have done before but I don't want to have to learn to cope this time. I just want the nausea to go away. I can't sit there feeling nauseous all the time (I'm emetophobic). Life isn't worth living that way.

I really need help but the NHS are saying I have to wait 6 months! I can't go on like this for 6 months. I need help now. Don't know what to do.

Also why isn't the citalopram working? It has before. I was stable on 20mg and I made the mistake of coming off it. Why isn't it working?

18-11-14, 17:47
You need to give the new dose longer to work - say a couple of weeks.
If by then, it's still not helping, you can always go up to 30mg.

You WILL feel better, I promise.x

19-11-14, 12:07
Thanks. Having a tough morning today. Feeling suicidal. Can't tell my family as they will take it personally. Fed up of feeling like this. Shaking and nervous and sick. I just can't see it settling this time. I'm scared to go back to work on Monday. Ive been on cit now for two months and I'm getting worse. The only other time I felt this bad was after I upped it to 15mg. Is that normal? I can't stop crying and just see no other way out. I feel trapped like this forever. I keep trying to remember that I have got through this before and remembering good times but that just makes me more depressed. The doctors aren't helping and so what is the point?

19-11-14, 14:05
Changing the dose of Cital is not a pleasant experience, so a lot of what you are feeling will be that.

Stick with it as Chickpea says and you will feel better soon x