View Full Version : just found boxes of gabapentin in my cupboard?

18-11-14, 11:22
mom had some nerve issues now resolved about 3 months ago and was given boxes full of 100 and 300mg Neurontin/Gabapentin ive just found the lot so out of interest did some research on them and they score huge marks for anxiety Panic from 100000's of reviews and diff sources so whats the lowdown folks?

why aren't they mentioned more often with the reviews they get ?

18-11-14, 22:12
It's an anti-seizure med that has been proven help with nerve pain and issues. I take it for neuropathy from chemo. It helps. I don't know the applications for anxiety sufferers. Don't take it unless you consult with your doctor! It's powerful stuff!

Positive thoughts

19-11-14, 08:42
Its an anti-epilsepsy medication and not licenced in the UK for anxiety.

As far as I know, it is used in cases of bipolar alongside an antidepressant so that the anxiety swings are more controlled. So, are those reviews from anxiety disorder sufferers or bipolar sufferers? An issue might be that bipolar sufferers are taking a medication alongside it which may also reduce their anxiety so I guess it can be hard to assess.

Its also not fully known how it works on GABA receptors so until they research that, I can't see it coming near the anxiety market. I wonder if there is even some friction over how it could affect the Benzodiazapene market?