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18-11-14, 11:38
I've been posting a fair bit recently but I need to ask if anyone can relate to this particular worry. I keep remembering old dreams. I will be watching TV or doing something random when I suddenly have a flashback to a dream I had ages ago. It is just an image of part of a dream. I've always remembered my dreams the next day and often have something happen that reminds me of my dreams. This is different though. It is not a recent dream it can be dreams from a long time ago. I'm so scared. Every time it happens I have a wave of panic.

After googling I found that some people who have epilepsy experience this and it's called simple partial seizures where consciousness isn't lost. I read lots of personal stories by people and they mention these flashbacks too.

I've never heard of this as an anxiety symptom and I am just so scared. I keep thinking it's a brain tumour causing it. I also feel spaced out and sometimes woozy. I'm actually sleeping really well.

Please, if anyone has ever had these dream flashes please tell me.

Sarah x

18-11-14, 15:03
hi Sarah

just a quick question

are these dreams about something you fear or something that has happened

18-11-14, 17:41
No particular dream at all. My dreams don't scare me. What is scaring me is that I keep remember bits of dreams that I've had over the months/years. If they were nightmares I could understand remember them. But this is just random flashes of old dreams.

18-11-14, 23:48
I don't know. I'm so wrapped up in this fear right now that I can't see it being anything else. So many people with certain forms of seizures describe what I have. How can it be anything else?