View Full Version : Feeling faint with erratic thumping in chest

18-11-14, 16:35
I have had weird heart symptoms for 20 years mostly ectopics or fast heartbeat and have had many 24hr ecgs over this time. 4 years ago I suddenly started with attacks lasting a few seconds where I feel my heart flip flopping erratically my chest and then an intense feeling of pressure in my head and feeling faint. Deep breaths, coughing or doing the valsalva movement stop the erratic thumping and I am okay again although freaked!
I can go weeks inbetween these attacks then I get a run of them.
So far I haven't had a prolonged bad attack whilst on ecg although they have picked up multiple ectopics and atrial tachycardia and said either of these could be cause and both would make me feel faint.
I am due to have a 3 day ecg end of next week with an echo of my heart but just know I won't have a bad attack then!!
I was just wondering if anyone else ever gets the fluttery heart with feeling faint??

18-11-14, 17:52
Quite simply..yes! I get the flipflop of my heart a lot, particularly when I am at rest. I definitely put it down to anxiety as I have no other symptoms of heart failure.
The ecg and echo will put your mind at rest.:)
