View Full Version : Sinus - neck muscles.

18-11-14, 16:48
With sinus pain does anyone have tight neck and shoulder muscles. Going to physio/osteopath tomorrow to see if she can help. Feels so right at bottom of my neck. My HA is at new levels though and I think some of it could be stress due to this. Please help.

18-11-14, 17:10
I have been told mine ties into my sternocleidomastoid muscle, which evidently causes a lot of those symptoms. I go for massage every two weeks which helps. my posture is bad. i have a desk job where i sit in front of the computer 8-9 hours a day and these muscles become tight and cause headaches.

18-11-14, 17:13
That sounds just like me, the doc did say my eardrum was dull so I know I have a bit of sinus trouble but my neck is so tense. Will see what they say tomorrow.

18-11-14, 17:29
If your neck and shoulder is tight, it stops the sinuses draining properly.
When mine was bad last year, I had visual disturbances, terrible head and face pain, a blocked nose on one side, fatigue etc.
You will feel like a different person after seeing your osteopath/physio.

18-11-14, 19:33
Wow. It sounds like this could be just what I need. Hope you're both right. I've been working much more recently and my posture is terrible.

18-11-14, 20:14
My massage therapist told me it was my scalene muscles giving me fits. massage therapy has been the ONLY thing i have found that works for me. Let us know how you make out.

18-11-14, 20:37
Wow, who'd have thought that muscles could cause so much trouble. Will let you all know. Am seriously hoping it works.

18-11-14, 20:48
Just been reading up about neck muscles and they can actually cause anxiety!
Apparently sleep problems, anxiety and neck muscle problems are all related - anxiety has a huge effect on the neck muscles and vice versa.

I feel quite reassured to have found this out.

18-11-14, 21:05
I've read up on the sternocleidamadtoid muscle. Unbelievable. I'm hoping tomorrow is the answer to my prayers.

18-11-14, 21:27
I've read up on the sternocleidamadtoid muscle. Unbelievable. I'm hoping tomorrow is the answer to my prayers.

I'd never heard of it, but like you, I'm very excited (if that's the right word!) to see what a physio/osteo might say about my neck problems and the trouble they're causing.
Let us know how you get on.x

18-11-14, 21:30
Will do. X

19-11-14, 19:20
Well been to my massage lady who has totally pummeled me. She said my muscles were really tight and it really hurt when she was doing it. The thing is I don't feel any better tonight at all snd it's really worrying me. She said that in all the time shes known me I've never been so tense so I'm now worrying that it's either something serious or all the fault of anxiety.

19-11-14, 19:28
Well been to my massage lady who has totally pummeled me. She said my muscles were really tight and it really hurt when she was doing it. The thing is I don't feel any better tonight at all snd it's really worrying me. She said that in all the time shes known me I've never been so tense so I'm now worrying that it's either something serious or all the fault of anxiety.

Not too sure if this helps, but I go to a physio and on several occasions I feel no better straight after treatment but then start to feel better the next day. Tense muscles can cause so many aches and pains, I never realised until I had someone explain to me, how the body begins to suffer after weeks or months of stress and tension, I hope you are feeling better soon .

19-11-14, 19:33
Hi thanks for that. I know I think I should give it a couple of days. She said that I was really bad and I must admit I am totally stressed and worrying over everything I know is making me much worse.

19-11-14, 19:40
My physio was really helpful about explaining how worry and things like bad posture have a major influence on our muscles and movement. Was it a one off appointment?

19-11-14, 19:58
If you were that tight, it will take more than one appointment to feel a difference probably.
Make sure you have a warm bath and drink plenty of water. I bet you feel a bit better tomorrow ( even if you feel sore).

19-11-14, 19:59
No I'm going back again next Wednesday. She thinks my light headedness could be down to my neck muscles and the stress I am putting myself under worrying. Im so worried that I have a brain tumour or leukemia. It's taking over my life. My GP isn't even concerned enough to orde blood tests. Wish I could just go and get some done.

19-11-14, 21:34
Google scalene muscles and stress , or neck pain and anxiety - it will reassure you no end.
You know deep down that blood tests will be normal. You have anxiety, which is causing neck and head symptoms, which is causing more anxiety etc.
It is so, so common, I promise you.
In a week or two, you will look back and wonder why you got yourself into such a panic.xxx

19-11-14, 21:39
In my head I know you are right but it is just convincing myself. I will look these up and see what they say. Thank you for your support xx

---------- Post added at 21:39 ---------- Previous post was at 21:37 ----------

Just looked at it and it would appear the exercises that I have been given are stretching those very muscles.

19-11-14, 21:46
I completely understand how you feel - I was convinced I had a brain tumour last summer, because I had a headache and visual disturbances for over 2 months.
Saw my GP - no sign of sinus infection. Saw an optician - no sign of any problems with my optic nerve.
Saw an osteopath in desperation, because my jaw was clicking and the head pain wasn't getting better.
I didn't realise at the time, but it was the scalene muscles and the other one mentioned earlier that she said were rock hard.
4 sessions and I was back to normal.
Now this week, I'm getting a strange sensation in the front of my neck, pain in my clavical area, upper back pain, chest pain - all from these same muscles on the same side.
From what I read, the pain seems to occur in your non-dominant side - I'm left handed and all my issues are on my right side.

19-11-14, 22:08
Mine is on the dominant side mainly but can be both. It's my head, it feels, for want of a better word empty, a really strange feeling. Hard to explain, it's certai not vertigo spinning around.just want it to go.

20-11-14, 13:36
Feel a little bit better today but still quite "fluttery", almost nervous like. I am sure it is anxiety although I am now wondering if it is my heart!!!! Stupid I know but need answers, probably all down to muscle, stress, and tension.

20-11-14, 13:42
Even a bit better is progress and positive!
Try not to replace the "bit better" with something else to worry about.
Your anxiety will get better as your neck gets better...which will get better as your anxiety gets better, and so on.:)

20-11-14, 20:57
been a bit silly tonight and been for a run, the muscles at the top of my back and shoulders are agonising tonight, I am so stupid but it made me feel better at the time. I am stressing completely, the pain is awful, I dare not tell my massage lady she will kill me. Need to get a grip or I am going to ruin all my families christmas.

20-11-14, 21:13
Try a bath with epsom salts in it. Or take a magnesium supplement.

20-11-14, 22:08
Going to do that now. Long soak in the bath. The fact that I can run though indicates I'm not in the worst of health.

20-11-14, 22:37
Have a look on Amazon - I've just bought a Magnesium oil spray by Better You. I got the sleep one, and my muscles feel better already after 2 days, plus I'm sleeping really well.
Magnesium tablets gave me bad diarrhoea.

20-11-14, 22:41
Thanks chickpea will have a look. Need to get a grip x

07-12-14, 19:19
I always get sinus problems with tight neck and shoulder muscles too.

08-12-14, 08:13
This has been me the past week!! Urgh. Anxiety definitely plays a part in my neck pain too..