View Full Version : New anxiety attack symptoms?

18-11-14, 20:09
I've been suffering from severe anxiety for years, as well as health anxiety. But an hour ago my chest started feeling very warm and constricted. I could breath just fine but I was thinking, is this anxiety or a random health problem? This has never happened before and it caused me (more?) anxiety. I'm only 22, I don't smoke, so I don't know how far fetched heart problems would be but that's what i'm assuming. But with my history of anxiety, its most likely anxiety. Has anyone ever had those symptoms with anxiety? Warm chest (in the middle of chest) and kind of constricted.

I have no history of health problems but I do with anxiety. But "new" symptoms have only happened to me twice and I forgot how scary they are :\

18-11-14, 20:48
I've had thosr exact symptoms. Knowing and recognising that it is anxiety is key in 'winning' in the internal strife. Breathe and be calm, distract yourself and try your very hardest to just remind yourself that you are fine, anxiety will not hurt you, you are going to be fine.