View Full Version : Does this happen the same to others

Dizzy dog
18-11-14, 20:50
Hi everyone, is it ok if I tell you my problem :) Well it starts with a feeling in my tummy then I feel slightly scared, but then the feeling becomes a really hot burning sensation in my chest, and I need to move around a lot or cry so restless, it's really horrid the burning stops but the fear stays :weep: so that's it i can't think straight or relax be happy anything, just need to hide from everyone and have quiet time feel trapped and so down . Thank you for reading would really love to hear from anyone who understands this so fed up :weep::weep: x

18-11-14, 23:19
Anxiety triggers an adrenaline release which in turn increases anxiety even more to the point of a mild panic attack. Therefore, it's important to treat this as it will progressively get worse and lead to other problems like depression and social phobia.

Have you been to your GP to talk about this? Would be a good starting point so you can be treated properly for your panic/anxiety. Remember, this CAN be overcome, but you need to take that first step towards your recovery.

Dizzy dog
19-11-14, 21:55
Thank you for the reply, my panic is not mild at all very out of control already sadly :weep: I have tried so many things but can't stop these happening , are minds are so powerful it's horrid take care :D

20-11-14, 21:45
What have you tried?