View Full Version : I do it to myself ots not googles fault :(

18-11-14, 22:04
Tonight im jist realising that im doing it to myself iv gone through so many symtoms and iv diagnosed myself with so much that I cant help myself im trying to stop myself googling but I cant and right now iv just googled brain stem after reading it on a forum about somebody having the same breathing problem as me whyyy ??
Now iv diagnosed myself again and im starting to feel really ill .
iv been having breathing problems now as falling asleep and during the day im having other symtoms but im ignoring them because im so concentrated on this breathing problem that comes and goes within seconds but I panic when the next one will come !
I've diagnosed myself with:
Brain tumors
heart attack
throat cancer
heart problems
arotic anyrsm
ect ect the list goes on and on and on !!!
Nearly all from googling and I blamed google im hoping this is a first step as im actually blaming myself this time I belive right now I do have a brain stem problem and im going to stop breathing and its almost like im waiting for it and I cant get my mind away from it my minds on it 24/7 and its like this problem is a real problem because it comes and goes as it pleases and each tim its like a spasm at the back of my throat and I kind of have to make a funny feeling to get my breath it and then it brings with it the scared pit of your stomach feeling im petrified im this is really effecting everyone around me I have 2 small children instead of playing with them or anything im sat there on google its litrally taken ober my life and I cant put my phone down because I need reassurance constantly I feel the breathing issue as I drift of to sleep I wake up with it sleep was my only escape before but not no more im like at a loss end I've got to wait two weeks to start cbt and I don't want to go to doctors because im scared what he may say my partner is getting annoyed at me constantly worried/googling I feel I have nobody and like nobody understands that I think im seriously ill .

19-11-14, 04:49
Yep, I hear you... I have 2 kids running around and all I do is worry... It's taken over my life. Every month I have a new symptom. Goes on and on. I refuse to keep googling... it's only made things harder...

19-11-14, 08:08
You are right, Google just exists and it does a lot of good as well as bad. An important step in anxiety disorders is recognising there is a problem and breaking that wall down so you don't resist help.

Ultimately in conquering your HA, you want to be able to look at this stuff on Google and say "its irrelevent" and have no emotional reaction to it. You can do it, you just need support to get you there. You want to be able to not need to do it but wouldn't it be nice to look something up and take a rational view on it? I have GAD & OCD and I can Google symptoms of things but I don't catastrophize, I look for things and then what I can do to help me e.g. I have symptoms of sciatica, so I look it up to see it is and then look for ways to deal with e.g. stretching. But thats all it is, it isn't the many other medical conditions that can have similiar symptoms (but also has many others I won't have). If I had HA, I couldn't do this because my obsessional tendencies, emotional reactions, and Cognitive Distortions would make me much worse. Read about Cognitive Distortions, it will show you a lot about how your thinking needs retraining.