View Full Version : Daily attacks, need advice!

18-11-14, 23:22
I've been having what I believe are panic attacks daily, I'd just like to explain my symptoms and the attacks in general and see what you guys think. All symptoms start in my chest and push up along my neck.

Mine are:
-A tidal wave of panic flushing over me
-Fearful of a heart attack/heart stopping
-Heart palpitations
-Heart beating hard and fast (but not racey fast)
-Choking sensation
-Pain in my chest in area of heart
-cold flush on my chest
-cloudy/blurry vision
-bubbly tummy (as in I almost feel I need to go to the loo)
-slow speech, almost slurred
-extreme distraught behaviour! Standing up and running around, usually bolting out the front door, just being completely overwhelmed.

The biggest fear I have during an attack is that my heart will stop. My attacks only seem to occur between 8pm-5am which seriously hampers any kind of sleeping pattern. Big attacks with all symptoms listed occur roughly once a day but I have smaller wave like attacks multiple times an evening.

As far as I can work out there is no pattern or trigger for the big attacks, they can come on if I'm watching a film, talking to someone, sat relaxing thinking about clouds, even drifting off to sleep with nothing at all on my mind. They're crippling me, I can't cope with it every single night.

I had a GP appointment today and my doctor didn't know what to do with me, she spent a good 2 minutes listening to me explain my symptoms and she responded with "it's very common, is there anything that you think might be causing it at the moment?" Which I replied with "Nothing out of the ordinariy, kind of why I'm here today" and she asked me "what would you like me to do for you?". I had to specify that I wanted counciling and she sorted that out for me. She then prescribed my Beta Blockers. But I'm pharmacophobic. So there's no way they would have any positive effect, I would panic over any difference in my heart rate or any other effect given.

I don't know what to do, my stress levels are peaking and my head is so tense over the lack of control.

Dizzy dog
19-11-14, 22:04
Hi David 5957 so sad to read your suffering so badly :weep: I get really bad panic like yourself and its so hard coping each day, really horrid doctors don't seem to know or want to help these days only give you tablets which I can't take nor do I think they help, I just hope one day my heart fears will just stop and maybe we can start living again , hope you find help somewhere :hugs:x

24-11-14, 18:36
Hi David, I have the same symptoms as you and am also trying to figure out what to do, i hope you get better :)

24-11-14, 19:09
Hi, I'm just the same,so fed up,was scared of going to bed at one point, try a beta blocker ,they really do help ,I've got low dose tha I take at night and just about getting my sleep back,take care x

28-11-14, 04:18
Yes, all of the symptoms you listed look very familiar to me.

Definitely get counseling/pyhscotherapy to help you understand what may have been the trigger of all your panic attacks.