View Full Version : Pregnant & panicking every night

19-11-14, 01:20
Hi everyone,
After a period of doing really well we decided to have another baby but the hormones are driving me crazy. I am at my worst for a very long time. Fortunately I seem to be holding it together during the day, but the nights are horrendous. I'm beyond exhausted but haven't been able to sleep for the last 4 hours because of shaking like a leaf. I am on the verge of calling 111 or out of hours Dr because I feel like I can't cope, but I don't think they'd be too impressed with me ringing about a panic attack!
Thanks for reading. Any words of advice or support would be gratefully received...

21-11-14, 07:33
hi there:)

congrats on the baby:hugs:

being a mother again will stir some anxiety because you stress about the inevitable, you need to take it easy because not only does it put stress on you but it puts stress on your baby aswell.

its ok to call the dr because that's what they are there for.. you should go in for a consult and get something prescribed for you.

when you feel that way make yourself a nice cup of tea and relax, listen to some music or watch a movie

take care and Godbless

21-11-14, 21:31
Thank you for responding :-)
I spoke to a Mental Health response worker on Wednesday and she gave me the phone number for the Samaritans as a better phone call in the middle of the night when I'm panicking. I also spoke to my midwife and she reassured me that the baby would be OK but that I did need to try and improve the situation for myself, so I have got a Dr appt tomorrow, despite having a telephone consultation with a GP on Wednesday who said they don't like to prescribe anything to pregnant women if they can avoid it, and the waiting list for counselling/similar being about 3 months :-(
I have also tried to make contact with a local reflexologist and have borrowed a book about Hypnobirthing. Fingers crossed......