View Full Version : Being sent for a CT scan of sinus - need reassurance because i am so terrified

19-11-14, 07:18
HI guys, I have had sinus like symptoms for a few weeks, been on one round of antibiotics that didnt help. I have also been on steroid spray for rhinitis without much change.
Today I went to the doctors expecting that he would suggest a different course of antibiotics but he said he wants to send me for a scan as he has "had another unlucky patient this year". This was mostly because I had no mucous. I am now really worried and panicking. I am jumping to the worst conclusions, my kids growing up without a mother, having to tell my family. I am just really freaked out and need your help!

19-11-14, 15:23
Sometimes I could smack doctors for saying such dumb things.:mad:

Your doc seems to be operating under the "abundance of caution" rule, which isn't a bad thing, but tends to worry the crap out of their patients.

My doc is the same way. I've learned to ask her precisely that when she wants to send me for a test: "is this your abundance of caution speaking, or are you really worried?"

She always says it's the caution.

19-11-14, 16:23
That's another reason why I avoid doctors whenever I can!!

It's not nice that he scared you like thy and I understand you worry especially with what he said to you!

But if you think of it this way he said had anther unlucky patient this year, so from that I'm taking he means one person... And if your thinking what I think your thinking he meant, that shows how very unlikely it is as it's just one patient

Stupid doctor

21-11-14, 00:22
Thank you!! I know, he was really tactless and said he was just being cautious because he didn't want to get caugly out. But now I am having goodother symptoms that were small but are more pronounced than before. Getting the scan today and results this afternoon I can't take waiting until Monday. I have had to medicate for my panic attacks it's been that bad :(

Thank you again for your reassurance and support

21-11-14, 00:48
I'm glad he at least told you he was being cautious, the dope.

Keep us posted and I'm sure you'll be just fine. :hugs: