View Full Version : Coming off citalopram onto escit

19-11-14, 10:37
Hi, I'm just in a bit of a panic. I've been on 20mg citalopram for 9 years now and they don't help me much anymore, plus I get bad side effects from them. My Dr suggested ecitalopram, and I'm sure he said just stop taking cit and take escit the next day.

I had run out of cit so missed the dose yesterday and had no antidepressants at all. Then this morning I took my first dose of 10mg escit. Does anyone know if this is safe? I'm now worrying about withdrawal from cit.

Any replies welcomed!!! :)

19-11-14, 21:16

I noticed you commented in my escit "log" before. My doc said the same thing as did the drug store lady. I only read in many placed that it is annoying mostly to switch from cit to escit without dropping the dosage as you will suffer probably from withdrawal and side effects at the same time.

Don't worry though, for me starting cit has always been really hard when it comes to side effects but coming off it hasn't. Mostly those electric shock type feelings and a little off balance, minor annoyances compared to starting. I just wanted to play safe since I was afraid I will get same bad starting side effects from escit as from cit.

It's been almost a week (still not upped the dosage to 10 mg, doing it tomorrow) and I can happily say that there has been almost zero withdrawal effects from cit. Little more anxious and so on, I'll update my log at some point. And on top of it, the change is already showing promise. Less light headed, basically no side effects from escit, at least compared to to cit.

I was worried too but hopefully you'll have same positive feeling from the change as I do. I just can't wait until escit really starts to affect with full dosage.

And me dropping to half cit two days before, I don't think that made any significant difference. Only thing my doc said is to start with 5 mg escit if I react to it, he said its OK to jump straight to 10 mg if I wish.

Sorry for typos, writing with my phone.