View Full Version : worried

19-11-14, 12:10
hi I go to my doc a lot because of H/A, especialy the last 6wk ever since I had a chest infection which I had antibiotics for and been going up nearly every wk ever since because ive been getting niggly pains in my upper back and some times in my chest which aint thereall the time , but now my doc wants me to have a chest xray done I got abit scared so I asked him why he wants me to have it done and asked him does he think I have lung cancer and his reply was maybe so now im petriefied as now and wish I never asked him that question everday I wake up worring is it history reping its self as my dad had lung cancer and keep thinking ive got it and keep thinking all the horrible wat ifs,and now I seem to be feeling the pains more ever since the other day when I went to see gp. I haven't been for the xray yet as one the hospital is 8miles away and I get frientend of travelling on buses cars etc even with some body and two im scared to have it done incase the xray shows up ive got it .I do have early signS of C.O.PD and i did have axray done in hospital bk in may when I went to a/e because I had chest pains and the hospital didn't say anything then sorry for posting yet again but I don't knowif itsthe anxiety making me think this way im just so worried .

19-11-14, 14:53
Hi Tricia, I think that was a stupid thing for your doctor to say. Chest pain can be for any number of reasons. I don't know how old you are but if you are young it is unlikely to be lung cancer. I think it is natural for you to be feeling more symptoms since seeing your doctor. Try and get the courage to get the x-ray done as I am sure it will not show lung cancer especially as you say you only had a chest x-ray in May.