View Full Version : I won't let it beat me 😀

19-11-14, 13:47
Hi everyone how you all doing today so I have health anxiety I've been feeling like this for about a year now I have good days and I have bad today is not to bad feel a little fuzzy headed but I think it's because I didn't sleep to go last night so I don't think that helps lack of sleep just find it hard to drift off some nights as I get body jolts just as I drift off which is really annoying as I can't go to sleep then hope your all doing ok take care :hugs:

19-11-14, 17:49
Hi Cazzaj80 and :welcome: to the site\forum

21-11-14, 10:55
I read your post and it reminded me about my terrible insomnia period. I was working as a therapist at the time and I honestly believe I was picking up 'stuff' from my clients.

It took me years to understand what was happening. I honestly believe that the problem is a spiritual one, i.e. spirits of departed people who left their body with no belief in the afterlife. They then cling on to the living as they are scared. This makes one feel heavy, scared and stressed and sometimes pain too.

Now I learned how to help them go into the light by getting them to say a prayer that liberates them from their guilt and anger.

Best wishes,