View Full Version : Anxiety and panick attacks

19-11-14, 14:17
Hi I'm new to this site I'm 34 years old single mum of 3 and started experiencing panick attacks about 4 months ago I could hide them for a while but they becme more frequent and distrupted my life thy are mainly at night I get an overwhelming fear and a strange sensation all over my body then the dizziness,sweats and shaking start and the fear that something is wrong takes over .usually they lasted about half hour to an hour now they are waking me from sleep and lasting 6-8 hours I don't want to feel like this no more for my own sanity and for my children who get upset when I experience these attacks I'm a generally happy person but find this has taking over my world the doctor placed me on citralopram but I had a bad reaction and iv suffered more so today my doctor has perscribed me fluoxetine and diazepam I'm petrified of the effects it may have on me but I want to be able function ,sleep and feel 'me' again I'd be grateful if anyone can help me Evan if it's just a chat as I feel alone .many thanks x

21-11-14, 20:12
Hello there I have had them for 15 years still alive thou lol but I hate them I have them while I drive ie stuck in traffic

21-11-14, 20:20
I have them mostly at night too,the worst is the feeling of fear and tingling.i had a bad reaction to citalopram and now on beta blockers which do help but make me feel a bit odd in morning, don't worry you are not alone x

22-11-14, 21:51
Thank u iv been ok for 2 days I'm taking the diazepam at night to sleep I still get the tingles n shakes but I read books n do words ear he's to keep mind focused I just want to feel n be normal again x

25-11-14, 09:24
Wot is normal? Ha! I know wot u mean though,glad tablets are working for you, I feel a bit better this morning,hope it lasts x

26-11-14, 21:11
More normal than I feel right now lol the dose is low but I'm scared to up it Evan tho dr has prescribed me 6mg per day iv been managin on 2mg at night x I'm just happy I found this site as I felt so slone n hate this panic feeling it's upsetting for my kids to Evan tho I try n hide it from them xx

27-11-14, 08:14
I know,this site has helped so much as i dont know anyone around me that has the feelings that i have,i really thought i was going mad,it is horrible especially 4 the kids,we are all in it together ,dont worry,happy days are coming soon x

27-11-14, 22:06
I hope so my lv n hope for u 2 xx