View Full Version : Got a heart rate of 100 bpm tonight...help

19-11-14, 20:29
I had a racy resting heart yesterday...it reached 90 bpm. Which wasn't unusual for me so I wasn't massively worried.
It settles around the 85-88 mark.

Today it's been up to 108 bpm. I've been very anxious today as I woke up during the night with a racing heart twice and I was sweating.
I think I was in quite a deep sleep and jumped up...my heart started racing madly and it really frightened me.

I have had some worries the last few days, including my long distance boyfriend working nights so I haven't been able to speak to him properly in a couple of days...I've also been worried about my heart ironically, I have a chest infection which has been lingering on for around 3 weeks now worryingly. I've been to my GP who prescribed antibiotics...they don't seem to have done anything but they were amoxillican which I've heard aren't great for these kinds of infections.

I've had a strange ache in my chest with a few sharp pains around my ribs. I know it could be from coughing but I don't know.

I can't have anymore time off work because I'm already on the list of those who have too many absences.

I'm sitting here now, still and I can see my heart beating out of my jumper...it's really scaring me.
Should I go to A&E tonight?

19-11-14, 21:17
I'm really concerned that you are fuelling your anxiety disorder by your obsessive heart monitoring.

You don't have any reason to monitor your heart rate. You're a young person with a perfectly healthy heart and heart rate.

19-11-14, 21:26
Please, enough of this. You have an anxiety disorder. We've told you in your other posts that you should not be taking your blood pressure.

No one can help you here unless you take the first step--and that is to stop the behaviour that is causing you so much stress.


And why haven't you thrown out that damn thing? What are you expecting people to say to you?

People will lose their patience on this. Before that happens, seek help and stop making things worse for yourself.

19-11-14, 21:30
A&E is for accidents or emergencies.
Since a fast heart rate is neither, you should stay at home.
A chest infection can cause tachycardia.
So can excitement / anxiety.
I get a fast heart rate when I see Benedict Cumberbatch. It has never occurred to me to call for an ambulance.:blush::whistles:

19-11-14, 21:46
Ok thanks guys.
Actually I wasn't using the monitor, I took my pulse manually.

When I was last at the doctors my BP was 168/113 - I'm putting it down to my anxiety, at least I hope so.

19-11-14, 21:52
Ok thanks guys.
Actually I wasn't using the monitor, I took my pulse manually.

When I was last at the doctors my BP was 168/113 - I'm putting it down to my anxiety, at least I hope so.

Which is compounded by checking your pulse.

Stop doing it, forget about it, and everything will be fiiiiiiine.

19-11-14, 22:45

And why haven't you thrown out that damn thing? What are you expecting people to say to you?

People will lose their patience on this. Before that happens, seek help and stop making things worse for yourself.

You got me before I edited myself because I thought I was being too harsh. Glad you got it though.

20-11-14, 11:04
You heart rate will vary, they're supposed to. My RHR is about 60, after a flight of stairs it jumps to 100, whilst doing a four mile treadmill run it'll get to about 170, doing a 100m sprint at the end of the run it might hit 200. I have a very healthy heart, I'd be worried if it didn't vary in this way.

20-11-14, 17:52
You heart rate will vary, they're supposed to. My RHR is about 60, after a flight of stairs it jumps to 100, whilst doing a four mile treadmill run it'll get to about 170, doing a 100m sprint at the end of the run it might hit 200. I have a very healthy heart, I'd be worried if it didn't vary in this way.

But this 100bpm was at rest!

---------- Post added at 17:52 ---------- Previous post was at 17:45 ----------

Managed to get it down to 87 yesterday evening but it's still in the high numbers today :( I'm really trying not to measure my pulse! And I have hidden the BP monitor you'll all be pleased to know!

20-11-14, 18:03
If you are measuring it manually I very much doubt you can read it as accurately as 108bpm !

Stop worrying about it though, 100bpm at rest is nothing to worry about. During the times you don't measure it, you have no idea what rate it is. The heart is an amazing organ, and can handle everything from very low to very high rates without any problems

20-11-14, 18:06
It was 98 in the GP office the other day.

And I wasn't measuring it manually that time.

20-11-14, 18:15
Your normal rate depends on so many factors though. Age, weight, fitness, if you are standing or laying down when you take it, if you are anxious etc...

I take it the GP wasn't concerned about it being 98 ?

20-11-14, 18:15
Hey sweetheart, you are just a bit agitated. Please don't worry, try and breathe and maybe take some chamomile or other herbal remedy? Or a nice warm bath?

20-11-14, 19:11
My eyes are sore today and I feel like my vision is a bit blurry, I don't know if it's because I haven't been sleeping well and I've been looking at my iPad screen a lot lately.

20-11-14, 21:36
hi if your reassured youll feel better for a while then it will come back ten fold, or it will move onto something else

you shouldn't be concerned about your heart you should be concerned about your mental health which is ruining your life by the sound of it

if I sit and listen to my heart when alone I can easily get agitated and make it accelerate

20-11-14, 22:31
It was around 88 beats tonight at rest which is average for me I think due to anxiety, when I started worrying it shot up to 92 :/

20-11-14, 23:39
basically going off your posts your just not happy with what your told your doc prescribed anti-biotics for a chest infection but you've 'HEARD' bad things about them who off???? your mate down the pub? google? or perhaps you've scoured the internet for that 1 case in every million where the person suffered some kind of allergic reaction drastic thing

why are you checking your pulse ? when you check it it will go up you've hit the worry button

shot up from 88-92 im afraid ive had my heart doing 180 at rest through panic 88-92 isn't shot up

the sooner you accept theres nothing wrong with your heart and that id say your neourotic mind is fuelled by OCD causing what sounds like extreme internal Paranoia the sooner youll recover