View Full Version : Shaky and trembling feelings

04-01-07, 20:43
Hi everyone and happy new year!

Ha ha, well i'm back on my slippery slope down again and if i'm honest it's been creeping up on me for a while but the christmas/new year period has just got me going and all over a silly blood test that I had done which came back dodgy and after having it re-taken it was fine, but in the space of 10 days I have managed to go from a reasonably sane mother of three children to a complete and utter mess.

Does anyone else ever get the feeling that I am shaking all over inside, my arms, legs and tummy feel like they are shaking it is a symptom I have had on previous anxious episodes but you tend to need reminding that it happens with the anxiety as I try to convince myself there is more to it than being in a nervous state! I desperately need some reassurance that I am not totally mad. I was fine until Tuesday when I had my further blood test didn't sleep Tuesday night through worrying about the results, which the doctor had said was nothing to worry about, but I didn't believe them! Felt shaky then and Wednesday morning was awful, doctor telephoned me at lunch time and said everything normal stop panicking - ha-ha not me, if only it was that easy! But I guess I have got myself in such a state that I am still shaking and getting worse by the hour, feeling sweaty and tense. Trouble was lying awake Tuesday night I was thinking all sorts of things and I have hurt my thumb before christmas which has caused ligament damage, which is making my arm ache anyway, but now with the trembling shaky feelings I was convincing myself in the small hours that I had so many things, my nan had Parkinson's disease and that was one of the few things I was self diagnosing with, and the list just goes on and on!

I just don't understand how you get here so quick, and yet I have been here so many times before, you think we'd learn how to stop it wouldn't you.

Please read and let me know that I'm not alone and it will settle down again, my tummy and arms and legs feel like just awful shaky and weak.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.


04-01-07, 21:26
Very common...

Trembling or shaking

What you feel:

Your arms, hands, legs and even your whole body may feel shaky or like they are trembling. Sometimes you feel like you can’t stop yourself from shaking or trembling, and your whole body is vibrating.

What causes this:

This is another very common symptom brought about by high stress biology. Some people say that they have a ‘case of the nerves’ because they are shaking so much. This trembling is a result of an over stimulated nervous system, and is often intensified by a lack of sleep.

Regular deep relaxation, sleep and exercise will help to eliminate this symptom.

As with all symptoms, when the nervous system gets sufficient rest, this symptom will diminish and eventually subside.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

04-01-07, 21:45
Thanks for replying and I know that the sleep thing is making it worse, so is the fact that I am snappy and horrible with everyone around me because all I can think about is what's wrong with me, crazy it is.

And sleep is something that just doesn't seem to be happening much at the moment I keep waking up when I do fall asleep.

And I feel guilty because I'm snappy and just wish so much that I could change how I am, I am 38 years old and have certainly lived with this on and off since I was around 13 and I hate it, I hate that it takes over my life and I just seem to let it because I can't stop it - any suggestions?


04-01-07, 21:46
Thanks for replying and I know that the sleep thing is making it worse, so is the fact that I am snappy and horrible with everyone around me because all I can think about is what's wrong with me, crazy it is.

And sleep is something that just doesn't seem to be happening much at the moment I keep waking up when I do fall asleep.

And I feel guilty because I'm snappy and just wish so much that I could change how I am, I am 38 years old and have certainly lived with this on and off since I was around 13 and I hate it, I hate that it takes over my life and I just seem to let it because I can't stop it - any suggestions?


04-01-07, 21:47
Thanks for replying and I know that the sleep thing is making it worse, so is the fact that I am snappy and horrible with everyone around me because all I can think about is what's wrong with me, crazy it is.

And sleep is something that just doesn't seem to be happening much at the moment I keep waking up when I do fall asleep.

And I feel guilty because I'm snappy and just wish so much that I could change how I am, I am 38 years old and have certainly lived with this on and off since I was around 13 and I hate it, I hate that it takes over my life and I just seem to let it because I can't stop it - any suggestions?


05-01-07, 11:42
I have been there myself so I know what you mean, the shakiness, irritability and inability to sleep. I have had a few months where I have been feeling uneasy and then all of a sudden it hits. What happens with me is that I latch on to something and focus all my worries on this particular thing, usually a health worry but somethimes other worries too. I cant just worry about nothing you see, I almost need something specific to worry about. So with you, maybe you are doing the same thing and have gone overboard about the blood test, which is totally understandable. It will probably take you a little while to calm down also but give it time and you will get there.

I find that writing all my worries down on paper helps and of course coming on here.

Hope you feel better soon.


06-01-07, 19:04

Thanks to everyone who has read and replied to this, I just wonder why I cannot stop these shaking feelings, i've been told everything is okay but still I am in such a state, really snappy and very tearful, it really is not fair on my family, my children wonder what on earth is wrong with me i'm sure.

Please let me know that I'm not alone in these feelings as it just seems that I can't stop the feeling, I slept a bit better last night but still feel awful today, it seems that my left arm is worse but maybe because this is the side i'm tensing more.

Is there anyone else out there who can help me believe that everything going on with me at the moment is due to being so stressed out as my little nasty brain is desperately trying to convince me otherwise, and I guess while I go on feeling like this it is winning.


06-01-07, 19:05

Thanks to everyone who has read and replied to this, I just wonder why I cannot stop these shaking feelings, i've been told everything is okay but still I am in such a state, really snappy and very tearful, it really is not fair on my family, my children wonder what on earth is wrong with me i'm sure.

Please let me know that I'm not alone in these feelings as it just seems that I can't stop the feeling, I slept a bit better last night but still feel awful today, it seems that my left arm is worse but maybe because this is the side i'm tensing more.

Is there anyone else out there who can help me believe that everything going on with me at the moment is due to being so stressed out as my little nasty brain is desperately trying to convince me otherwise, and I guess while I go on feeling like this it is winning.
