View Full Version : Driving experiences with anxiety?

19-11-14, 22:02
I hope someone can help me get to the bottom of this problem as I really need to drive.

Lately I notice that my eyes feel strange when I'm driving . Like there is pressure behind them and It triggers a panicky feeling. I wear prescription glasses for long distance when I drive, so it's not that. Can anxiety mess with your eyes like this? It only happens on freeways or long stretches of roads where I can't pull over easily. Around streets I'm fine. The feeling only coming over me where I feel escape isn't possible/more difficult seems like classic anxiety. Can anyone relate?

19-11-14, 22:33
I can relate.. I find that looking far into the distance when driving and with anxiety can make you feel like you're not moving but you are and then that's when I panic.. The same if someone overtakes me and goes off into the distance as I watch them get further from me it makes my eyes weird for some reason. I'm also fine in towns and windy roads.. Just open stretches! I think it's because when you get anxious then your vision changes to search for escapes/survival, and it's triggered when you're on an open stretch of road and feel vulnerable? That's what I've found anyway!