View Full Version : Meningitis !! Please reply

19-11-14, 22:37
Ok I know I have wrote a few posts on here lately over various maladies... I have felt so ill these past couple of months I can't cope any longer .. I'm not terrified I have meningitis .. Yesterday I woke up with a horribly stiff and painful neck, very sore dry throat and nose and feeling generally run down and crap. Now Doctor Google or no Doctor google I know for a fact these are meningitis symptoms they actually are but I have tried to stay calm woke up today feeling ropey again with a headache and eye pain on top of it all. I can't remain calm any longer I am in bits I don't know what to do I haven't got money for a taxi to hospital it's about half an hour away, no car or way of transport. I know how quickly it deteriorates and I'm terrified it's going to kill me in my sleep or even if I rang an ambulance it wouldn't get here on time. The ambulance response times are abysmal here. It's also contagious what if Iv passed it kyla or my niece or nephew.. I'm seriously going out of my mind here along side of feeling rather ill.... What do I do ?

19-11-14, 22:43
Have you got any other meningitis symptoms - rash that doesn't fade under pressure from a glass? sensitivity to light?

While what you describe might be 2 of the symptoms of meningitis, they are also symptoms for any number of viruses - cold, flu, mumps, sinus infection etc.

I don't think you'd be able to post on here if you'd had meningitis since yesterday - you'd be very poorly.
Nor do I think you need to call an ambulance or a taxi.

Take some ibuprofen and go to bed. If you really think you're seriously ill, call 111 and see what they say. I'm pretty sure you've got a virus.

19-11-14, 22:44
You most probably wouldn't be able to write this post, you would have adverse effect to bright lights, anxiety has the symptoms you've mentioned. I've had meningitis.

19-11-14, 22:46
Ok I know I have wrote a few posts on here lately over various maladies... I have felt so ill these past couple of months I can't cope any longer .. I'm not terrified I have meningitis .. Yesterday I woke up with a horribly stiff and painful neck, very sore dry throat and nose and feeling generally run down and crap. Now Doctor Google or no Doctor google I know for a fact these are meningitis symptoms they actually are but I have tried to stay calm woke up today feeling ropey again with a headache and eye pain on top of it all. I can't remain calm any longer I am in bits I don't know what to do I haven't got money for a taxi to hospital it's about half an hour away, no car or way of transport. I know how quickly it deteriorates and I'm terrified it's going to kill me in my sleep or even if I rang an ambulance it wouldn't get here on time. The ambulance response times are abysmal here. It's also contagious what if Iv passed it kyla or my niece or nephew.. I'm seriously going out of my mind here along side of feeling rather ill.... What do I do ?

Exactly the symptoms I get if I have a virus. First sign for me is the stiff neck and this has been the case since I was about 7 years old. All the glands in my neck would swell along with it. It sucks but give it a week and I'm sure you'll be fine. As Chickpea suggested, give 111 a call if you're that concerned and see what they suggest.

19-11-14, 22:53
Well Not everyone has the rash it's more in children... On one hand I think it is a virus but the overwhelming terror is taking hold... I weakened and googled the hell out of meningitis survior stories and scared myself silly. Thanks for such a quick reply xx Hi KLP sorry to hear u had meningitis.. I know with u having it u probably think I'm being ridiculous but I have properly got myself convinced of this. Thankyou for the reply x

---------- Post added at 22:53 ---------- Previous post was at 22:52 ----------

Hi eeesh, I think it was fact I woke up with neck pain and sore throat feeling like crap out of the blue. It's sent a siren going off in my head x

19-11-14, 22:55
Hi Sarah,

We're all here as support for one another, it's ok you'll get through it.

19-11-14, 22:57
Well Not everyone has the rash it's more in children... On one hand I think it is a virus but the overwhelming terror is taking hold... I weakened and googled the hell out of meningitis survior stories and scared myself silly. Thanks for such a quick reply xx Hi KLP sorry to hear u had meningitis.. I know with u having it u probably think I'm being ridiculous but I have properly got myself convinced of this. Thankyou for the reply x

---------- Post added at 22:53 ---------- Previous post was at 22:52 ----------

Hi eeesh, I think it was fact I woke up with neck pain and sore throat feeling like crap out of the blue. It's sent a siren going off in my head x

Haha, and hasn't everyone on this forum been there before!

19-11-14, 23:08
Thankyou KLP xxx I try not to eeesh but occasionally I weaken an then I do it so frantically like speed googling, getting more and more hysterical second by second... As I'm talking to you lovely people now I'm thinking it's probably not but the minute I get of my iPhone and stop typing the terror will rise up x

19-11-14, 23:11
Then you need to resist googling and distract yourself. You are ill, so get some rest and don't stress yourself out.

19-11-14, 23:32
I know googling is a horrendous habit and it's so hard to kick...I was on sertraline and stopped taking it 3 months ago.. I wonder if I need to go back to it x

19-11-14, 23:41
Find a hobby, it helped me.

19-11-14, 23:46
I work full time and have a 4 yr old finding time for a hobby is a bit difficult plus I know this sounds really stupid and weird but I'm not sure what I actually like or enjoy. A few years ago I used to love going out with friends to nightclubs now I hate it that was about the sum of my hobbies lol x

19-11-14, 23:57
I starting sewing again making curtains fancy dress outfits for my boy, which I haven't done in a long time, I too have a 2 yr old and virtually a full time job. I can't stand clubbing never have, 39 and a home bird. Rather go out for a good slap up meal.

20-11-14, 00:54
I actually don't mind sewing should give it a try... I'm not great I can just do the basic mend jobs mind you... I used to love clubbing in my teens (I'm 25) then health anxiety set in an I started calling ambulances thinking I was having a heart attack those where the early days of panic attacks!! Kind of put me off after a whole plus I get paranoid some drunken fool will dance round and smack me in the head!.. I do love a slap up meal myself ! I'm one of those people tho who tends to stuff myself till I feel sick x