View Full Version : boiler leaking... poisoned myself??

19-11-14, 22:52
Hi, this may sound completely stupid but I'm going crazy.

We had a new boiler fitted yesterday, just went into the kitchen and there was a lot of water underneath it. I looked up and it was dripping a little bit, it seemed to be coming from some sort of cap, so I reached up and tightened it with a tea towel around my hand.

But I didn't think to turn it off first, and now I'm paranoid that I've had my head underneath a boiler for about 10 minutes and I've inhaled something.

I can't smell anything? But now my heart's racing and I think there's a strange taste in my mouth, but I don't know if this is just the anxiety?

I know you shouldn't go near boilers and now I'm just freaking out and scared to go to sleep :weep:

19-11-14, 22:57
You only get poisoned by faulty boilers, from carbon monoxide - not from a new, correctly-fitted one.
Sticking your head under it isn't going to do you any harm.

19-11-14, 23:01
I'm paranoid about carbon monoxide poisoning also, if it was dripping it might not be fitted correctly? We don't have an alarm or anything (I know we should) I don't know what to do!

19-11-14, 23:07
Was it fitted by a Corgi registered fitter?

The water drop could just be a minor adjustment thing.
If it was leaking carbon monoxide since yesterday,you'd have a bad headache at the very least.
Don't do anything. If you're really worried, leave your bedroom windows open for ventilation, BUT I really don't think you have anything to worry about.
It's old, faulty boilers that can give off carbon monoxide, and it's not something you read about every day.

20-11-14, 09:01
Contact who fitted the boiler and ask them about it. It could be that they have not connected it properly.

Is it a gas or electric boiler? Its worth asking about to ensure safety.

You won't have inhaled anything, on a new gas boiler you would be smelling the gas anyway.

20-11-14, 09:03
Hi, this may sound completely stupid but I'm going crazy.

We had a new boiler fitted yesterday, just went into the kitchen and there was a lot of water underneath it. I looked up and it was dripping a little bit, it seemed to be coming from some sort of cap, so I reached up and tightened it with a tea towel around my hand.

But I didn't think to turn it off first, and now I'm paranoid that I've had my head underneath a boiler for about 10 minutes and I've inhaled something.

I can't smell anything? But now my heart's racing and I think there's a strange taste in my mouth, but I don't know if this is just the anxiety?

I know you shouldn't go near boilers and now I'm just freaking out and scared to go to sleep :weep:

Carbon Monoxide has chemicals added to it to make it smell obnoxious. If there was carbon monoxide about the place, you would know about it.

20-11-14, 10:24
Thanks for your help guys, much calmer this morning :) sounds so stupid reading it back now!

It's a gas heater, we rent so the landlord sent someone round to fit it. It's still dripping, but not as much. Going to ring the landlord later on and mention it.