View Full Version : Pain in the throat

20-11-14, 02:51
Well, not the actual throat, but kind of to the left of the trachea. Both near the bone, and in the soft tissue under my jaw bone. Sometimes it is a burning pain, sometimes stabbing. No lumps or anything untoward there (that I can find). Can't get to the Dr for a couple weeks and am once again convincing myself it is something deadly. At least I have managed to stay off google thus far.

20-11-14, 09:53
Hi UkMamainUS,

I've had a similar thing lately on the right hand side of mine more but a bit on both. I don't 100% know the answer, but what I can tell you is that I recently saw an osteopath and she told me my throat muscles were tight. I didn't previously know that was even possible, but apparently you can, it's partly posture related, and quite a lot of tension. Apparently my jaw also needs some work, so it's possibly something like TMD which is common in anxious people. So, see your doctor in 2 weeks, and until then, just try and relax your neck & face as much as you can, you may find the pain eases off. :)

20-11-14, 21:06
I can actually believe it is muscle related to be honest. I have really bad issues with muscles trapping head nerves on that side of my head - it's required a lot of meds and massage to get me into a place where i can function. There is a spot on my back, which when pressed actually makes the throat / neck pain worse, so you really may have hit the nail on the head - regardless, these things really do freak me out. I've been away from the boards for a little while because I have been dealing with an actual real issue and haven't had time to stress over fears, but I guess, now I started to improve the issue (Occipital neuralgia) , I guess I have free time to stress again - LOL