View Full Version : Blushing/Going Red

20-11-14, 10:10
Hey Guys,

Of the symptoms I have, churning stomach, tension, aches and pains in the muscles, the most evident, to other people as well, is my facial blushing.

I get red even when I am not particularly embarrassed about anything. The slightest comment that makes me uncomfortable makes my face light up, like a xmas tree.

I know that the reason I get this is because of my nervous system. It controls the blood vessels supplying blood to face and neck. In the summer or when I´m in hot weather the vessels tighten, and in weather the vessels open. It´s a warming mechanism to regulate the temperature of my body.

Strong emotional reactions cause a lack of control of blood vessels meaning the vessels open too easily and facial flushing occurs.

The more I try and fight it, the worse it becomes. I have to keep focusing on finding that inner place of calmness where I do not add to it, but just let it happen and not tense against it. I do seem to be making progress.

I think I suffer from rosacea also, which doesnt help matters!

Anybody else get this?



20-11-14, 10:31
I'm very fair skinned, and blush like a beetroot, have done my whole life. I don't know if there is anything that you can do about it... probably stop thinking about it so much and just go with the flow. :shrug:

20-11-14, 10:41

Hows it going?

Thanks for the reply. Thats good advice! I agree!!

It does seem to be fading away the less I care about it. And as my anxiety in general lessens!

