View Full Version : Do you believe i have DVT?

20-11-14, 15:09
Hi, im a 16yr old male. I was sitting as a desk for 3-4 hours today and i stood up and realized that my calfs where very tight. I am convincing my self that the righ it more swollen than the left. Its 3 hours later and my mind is playing tricks on me i think. My right leg feels hot and stiff. Should i do somthing about it now or do you think there is nothing wrong. It is 2am atm. im worried i might have DVT(Deep vein Thrombosis) and help will be great. THanks

20-11-14, 15:23
What you have is a leg that went to sleep. You have as much chance of having DVT as a comet hitting you.

20-11-14, 16:13
Nope, no DVT in my opinion.

DVT is extremely painful. When in the leg, you cannot even put your foot to the floor to walk, the limb swells greatly and there is a distinct colour change.

It does sound way more like you have a bad cramp or muscle ache from sitting for so long, nothing scary.