View Full Version : Swollen Gland/lymphnodes- on one side

20-11-14, 17:23
Hello all,

I week ago today I felt I had a swollen lymph node on the left side of my neck under my jaw, I've not got a sore throat or anything else and I feel fine within myself, I've been to the doctors and he said if it's not gone in 4-6 weeks then I have to go back but has told me not to worry. And he said he feels smooth and round and movable as well. It felt bruised when he touched it at frist then I couldn't feel anything

But I vant help but touch it and worry about it :(

I had tonsillitis about 3 years ago but I've been searching the problem I have now and it just comes up with cancer and now I'm panicked about it and I suffer with anxiety as it is.

Could anyone tell me what I can do or am I worried for no reason I really don't know what to do :'(
Am i worrying over nothing?

21-11-14, 08:51
It is good u got it check out ,I hope nothing is seriously,I hv one in my right side of my neck for at least 10 year never go away this coming Tuesday I have an appointment for niddle biopsy

21-11-14, 13:29
That's a very common place for your lymph nodes to swell if you're getting a cold or have an infection.

My glands swelled there each and every time I was coming down with a bug up until my 30's.

21-11-14, 14:39
Thank you so much for replying guys

Its got abit larger today but im always touching it so im not sure if thats the reason he got bigger but it dosnt hurt to touch no more I can just feel ot swollen cause my neck feels abit fatter now.

How long did yours take to go back to normal?