View Full Version : Lump in groin :(

20-11-14, 20:15

3 months a go I notices a lump in my groin I think more than one ( 3 maybe )
I do know what the size of each one, But I know that all together are the same size of 2 fingers ( wide )

i do not know what to do , I was taking antibiotics for H.Pylori in the last week of taking antibiotics I notices this lump ..

i wish i did not touch this area and did not noticed it.
I am 22 years old have just graduated and on my way to achieve my goals, dreams .

I feel better when I read that there are alot who suffer from this here .

but i started touching my body and just cries when find something like lump.
I touched my neck yesterday and I pressed hard, now my neck is hurting me :( and I start thinking this is lymphoma .

uhhhh I do not want to suffer :(

I did ultrasound before noticing the lump and all is fine , and did it again after noticing the lump and all fine .
ultra sound for abdomen not for neck :(

I went to see one doc, she said it is enlarged lymph node.
but this did not make me feel fine :(

I just .. do not know ...

the only thing I think about is my mum, if feel sick she suffers ore than me

give me your experience :( if u have-had such lump

21-11-14, 08:45
Did your dr do any other further testing?do u hv any infection?

21-11-14, 09:59
I have done a blood test- befor i notice the k
Lump ( 3 weekss ) it's all fine

I have H.pylori. And it's out of my body now.
The doc said it's small..

The lump im my groin gets smaller since the first time i noticed.
Sometimes it shrinks little, and sometimes back to it's size. When i stop touch it it shrinks lil only .

There is no other symptoms.

Befor 3 months I thought about head cancer and then tummy cancer
And now with this lump it's lymphoma.
I start thinking ( what if what if what if)
It kills me .
If it is anxiety how can i deal with it

I just want my life back