View Full Version : I'm lost....

20-11-14, 20:35
I'm really feeling rubbish at the moment and have nowhere to turn. I hate burdening anyone with my problems including writing on here. I hate feeling like this though.
Long and short of it is I went to the dentist yesterday with a tiny lump I have had in my lip for about 2 months now (well that's when I noticed it) I should have gone sooner but I was listening to family friends saying 'it's fine' 'just ignore it' so it did. Anyway I went and the dentist had a feel she's very quick and you never spend more the 5 minutes in there I don't think she could feel it though but she said as I can she is sending me to the oral surgeon. Only the referral time is 6-8 weeks. I am not strong enough to cope with that waiting time I'm already a wreck I can't stop getting upset, struggling to eat and sleep and wondering what it is!

I don't know where to turn now my family get fed up and just say I'm being silly. Friends don't know what I'm going on about. I don't like going to the doctors if there is no need to.

I have done two lots of cbt. Had hypnotherapy. Been on setraline.

Nothing is helping me right now and I feel I am going to break down.

Sorry for rambling on just need to let it out sometimes :)

L x

20-11-14, 21:12

Thank you for replying it's nice to know I'm not completely alone :)
Sorry you feel like you do though it's rubbish isn't it.

Feeling completely lonely and lost though is the worst I litterally have nowhere to turn and I feel stuck almost with my own thoughts

Thank you again :)

20-11-14, 21:32
Hi Liz, talk to the people on here who've been where you are.
Please weigh up the chances of this being a little insignificant lump against it being a sinister form of lip cancer. Then factor in your age. Add to this the fact that the dentist cannot feal it and seems to be sending you for non urgent tests to reassure you:doh:. Now really give this some thought trying as hard as you can to be rational. You can even add in the fact that if you did not have HA you would not be getting it checked out or you may not even of felt it.
What are you left with?... and whatever it is, is it worth 6-8 weeks of worry:hugs: Lucia.

20-11-14, 22:21
Thank you Lucia.
I know exactly what you are saying and that is exactly how my normal rational mind thinks!! But today he has done a runner!
I just don't like how the dentist is she's very quick and doesn't listen and your out before you even realised you sat down. No chance to ask questions or point other things out. I think maybe if she had actually explained things I would feel better.
She doesn't know I suffer anxiety that's why I was nervous as to why she refered me as I would normally think oh it's to put my mind at rest etc.

I just feel like I have so many questions you know?