View Full Version : Pain when pressing over chest muscle

20-11-14, 21:05
Yesterday I was examining the left half of my chest and I found out that there is an area that hurts when I press over it. It's in the left pectoralis major muscle, around the 3rd or 4th intercostal space, right next to the sternum (breastbone). The pain is similar to the one you would experience when pressing over a bruise. What is this? Should I worry? I'm afraid it's referred pain from the heart...

20-11-14, 23:53
Hi there
Sounds very much like costocondritis. Many posts here about it. It is an inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs and sternum. Not pleasant, but not serious, although can take a while to get rid of. Heart issues would not radiate as you describe. Get your GP to clarify, but A good chance that will be it. Ibuprofen helps.
Try to relax and don't prod!! That makes it worse.
Be well.

21-11-14, 07:34
It sounds like a tender spot or trigger spot in the pec muscle.