View Full Version : HA and my boyfriend

20-11-14, 23:40
So, while my HA is obviously reflected around myself, it would surprise those close to me that it actually extends to my loved ones. I try not to let this show as I don't want them "catching" my hypochondria so to speak. With my loved ones and heath concerns I play the role of being logical and positive.

Today I am finding this hard. My BF went to the doctor this morning and was told he is obese and at risk for diabetes due to this. They also got him to do some blood tests. Nothing alarming in that, he hasn't had blood tests done in years. My panic is surrounded by what the results will be. Last week he noticed these spots on his arm and googled and got result "petechia" - possibly a sign of leukaemia. So now I am panicking that he has leukaemia and will die.

I don't know what to do. I'm so worried for him. And for us.

21-11-14, 00:26
The key is to focus on you. You are the only one that can control your own thoughts and actions. The sooner you focus on yourself and start healing, the better you'll be able to handle the situations of those around you as well as help them.

Positive thoughts

21-11-14, 07:05
hi there:)

I totally understand where you are coming from because I use to go through the same thing. its actually quite difficult no lie but you have to take control of your mind don't let it control you. YES its easier said than done but I guess that you have to be the change you want to see.

as far as your boyfriend goes,the blood tests results are out of your hands, thank God for medicine because whatever the outcome may be, there will be a solution to it.

the biggest mistake you made was going onto ''DR GOOGLE'' , yes its all about pure curiosity but google cannot exactly examine those spots and give you a direct diagnosis, I understand when having health anxiety you sometimes suffer and obsess for the most available answer as to what you have anxiety about may be just take a breather and relax . im sure what your boyfriend has is nothing serious and if it comes to be that he is diabetic than be there and support him and help him eat healthy and exercise...

take care and Godbless:)

22-11-14, 02:17
I understand your concern, but it is important to remember than many symptoms attributed to a number of causes. Doctors are pros at being able to identify the cause for a symptom (if there is one) and your boyfriend is already in discussion with a doctor and has already had blood tests. If there is anything at all to indicate leukemia (or any other scary thing) the blood tests will show specific abnormalities and further testing will be undertaken. But remember, abnormalities in blood tests can be due to something a simple as poor diet, so if the blood tests come back abnormal don't automatically consider the worst-case scenario. The worst-case scenario is usually also the least-likely scenario, but for some reason people still manage to worry the most about it.

If it makes you feel any better, I've had a petechiae rash that looks like tiny pinpricks for several months now, and my doctor still has not been able to identify a cause for it. And I'm feeling much healthier than I was several months ago ;)