View Full Version : I need help "floating anxiety"

21-11-14, 10:50
Hi Everyone. I am at my wits end. I seem to be constantly floating and dizzy when I lay down or get up. I have had blood tests and a CT scan and they have all come back normal.
My therapist says its anxiety, how on earth does this happen?
Here are my symptom.
1. When I lay down I am dizzy and feel like floating for about 10 min, if I turn to my sides while awake, I am dizzy and floating, so go back to my back.
2. I have like brain zaps or I do not know what they are.
3. If I am walking and turn my eyes to the sides? they feel funny.

Anyone else have these?


21-11-14, 11:05
Hi there,
Sorry to hear about your horrible symptoms. It reminds me of stuff I experienced.
I think the symptoms are to do with your energy (as in aura) and it is a problem with your spirit. The human spirit is an electromagnetic copy of the physical body and it extends out around you. The new agers call this the aura but you can also think of it as an electromagnetic field.
It can collect rubbish around it which give all sorts of weird symptoms. I worked as an acupuncturist and kinesiologist for 13 years and I used to pick up this sort of garbage from my clients. I had to find out the hard way how to deal with this stuff.
One first aid is to bathe in salty water as it neutralises negative energy. There are loads of other things one can do. For example, before washing your hair just try massaging your scalp with sea salt.
Maybe you are working in a place where there is a strong charge negativity. Lots of offices and shops don't have good ventilation and so the grot accumulates and then it's easily absorbed.
Christine xx

21-11-14, 13:25
Hi debby

Have similar going on myself at the moment and I see various posts on here with people experiencing same.
Feeling I get when turning to my right side is one of falling through the pillow.I can also rub my eyes and get dizzy from the tense eye muscles. You are not alone in this as you will see on other posts too. x

21-11-14, 15:22
thank you for the replies. I need to know if there are any others that have these symptoms?

21-11-14, 16:40
Hi ..i get the head zaps or brain zaps esp when im tired