View Full Version : Leukaemia Worry

21-11-14, 11:43
I know I am being silly but am still worried about having leukaemia. Just a thought though, had a deep tissue massage on Wednesday to help with sinus and neck issues. She properly pummelled me, now common sense is telling me if I had issues I would be black and blue with bruises, is there anyone out there who can confirm this. Please:yesyes::yesyes:

21-11-14, 19:06
I wouldn't mind but the only symptom I have is feeling weak.

21-11-14, 21:34
Perpetually seeking confirmation is not going to help you. It will just reinvigorate the cycle of anxiety --> reassurance.

If anything it may reenforce the behaviour.

21-11-14, 22:04
Have you been to your Dr and discussed your fears??? Having had a lifetime of health anxiety with experience I can say that having a Dr that you can talk to and admit your fear is very helpful.
A dr can explain what red flag syptoms they would be looking for for your fear and reassure you that you don't have any.
If you feel your symptoms are so vague you would be embarrased to tell a Dr then admit that your main problem is the anxiety around a vague symptom and what you fear.

21-11-14, 23:32
Am going to see my GP on Wednesday. Am going to ask to be referred back to CBT. My symptoms are very vague and most probably caused by anxiety. I recognise this but still can't help worrying.

22-11-14, 00:12
Am going to see my GP on Wednesday. Am going to ask to be referred back to CBT. My symptoms are very vague and most probably caused by anxiety. I recognise this but still can't help worrying.

24-11-14, 17:10

I'm currently doing a Diploma in massage and can tell you that in particularly firm massages it is not uncommon to bruise someone so we are told to be extra careful and make sure we are not applying too much pressure.

So in answer to your question I think yes you would have lots of bruises if you had issues with blood clotting/platelets etc.

26-11-14, 18:36
There would be other factors in leukaemia im an expert on it as my 5 year old has it, you would have repeat infections due to a low neutraphil count, bruises come from low platelets but you would also have the platelet rash that goes with it, enlarged liver and spleen, palour and anaemia due to to low HB, bone pain due to the leukaemia being in the bone marrow, tiredness and night sweats

Those are the classic signs

26-11-14, 18:39
Thank you Frankie11, I know I am being silly. I hope you're 5 year old recovers fully. Sending positive thoughts to you.

26-11-14, 18:43
Well we do one day at a time ask for a simple blood test it can reveal a lot,

Your not being silly when you constantly worry about stuff I know where you are coming from hope your feeling better soon