View Full Version : Anyone had tachycardia and felt faint?

21-11-14, 19:26
I've had two episodes in the last two weeks. The one last night was so bad I had to call for an ambulance. I seriously thought I was going to die. All I know is I was relaxing in bed watching tv. I was about ready to turn off the light and go to sleep when I started feeling very strange. I got up and told my husband something was very wrong. I have a blood pressure monitor so I took my blood pressure. It wasn't extremely high but my pulse was 153. This is the only way I know how to describe how I felt: Have you ever gone under anesthesia when you have surgery? You know how you feel when you are going under or coming out of it? Voices sound strange and everything feels weird? That's how I felt. I felt like I was going to die. I was probably about to pass out. I've never fainted so I don't know how that feels. I was terrified. I laid on the bed and kept saying I am about to die, I am about to die. I really felt like I was. I know I probably got myself really worked up but I really thought it was the end. That's how strange I felt. By the time the ambulance came, it took quite a while and they got me in the ambulance my heart rate started coming down and I felt okay. It was probably close to an hour. Not sure. Anyway, I'm going to see a cardiologist in a few days to wear a monitor. I'm worried this will happen again. I've been under a great deal of stress the last few years. I don't know if this was a panic attack or I have a heart problem. Just wondering if anyone else has ever felt like this.

01-12-14, 19:33
I have had experiences very, very similar to this. It's a normal anxiety response - our senses get extremely heightened which makes things look and sound strange, you can get tunnel vision or the feeling that nothing is real or like you're in a glass bowl, your body can feel like it's not yours or very heavy/light, etc. My panic attacks feel very much like this with the racing heart included. It's not likely to be heart related but hopefully the tests will reassure you that you are healthy. :)

02-12-14, 22:46
I nearly cried when I read your post its like me I had this I told my partner goodbye basically and it felt like going under anesthetic !! Then it happened 3 more times one lasted 5 hours hospital couldn't find nothing and I began having a breathing problem for a month later and tonight is my holter monitor night im so happy I habe found somebody !!! Did you get resultd of tests ?? By the way the tachycardia happened in october with me but iv not felt righy ever since and now my panic attacks have gone but I still have the breathing problem like beforr you get put to sleep ! I dont know if you got this but it would be really good to hear from you

03-12-14, 21:39
I have had tachycardia since I was in my early teens and I'm now 34 years old, if that is any consolation. Mine is actually some sort of little defect, at least that's what the Cardiologist says. It took almost 20 years for me to get an actual diagnosis. I wore 24 hour monitors and stuff which caught nothing. My actual "episodes" were anywhere from several months apart to several years apart. Then 2 years ago I had one where my heart was beating something like 165 bpm and wouldn't come down for like a half hour.. I just had a feeling it wouldn't so I went into the ER. They hooked me up to monitors and stuff and they gave me an adenosine push (which feels like death for just a second or two) and my heart rate came down after that. I actually have AVNRT which I guess is actually more common than people realize. Anyway, what helps me is to realize I have had every heart test under the sun and my heart is ultimately very healthy. I know more about my heart than most people know about theirs because most people have never had theirs checked.

So anyway just know the cardiologists do know what they are doing and if they say you're ok, trust them. Best thing you can do is try to relax... keep your mind busy with other things so that you're not thinking about every heartbeat or feeling your pulse. I used to be super guilty of checking my pulse all the time!