View Full Version : Health Anxiety for 4yrs and counting :(

22-11-14, 08:41
Hi, I am 26 and have suffered with health anxiety for 4yr, I can pin point the the exact time it started. I had just bought a flat and was saving to get married and a new car and something just snapped. However, instead of stressing about money etc I was so focused on the headache all this stress was causing I was convinced I had a brain tumor. I was so scared I went to the doctors who reassured my I had burnt myself out with stress. Since then it's got progressively worse, I had a son 3yrs ago and had a few issues after birth with my heart rate (turned out anxiety related) but the doctors thought there was something really wrong with me (blot clots etc). This really scared me and since then there have been more than 3/4 of the time I live in absolute fear that I'm going to die. My most recent complaint and scariest of all is palpitations, it feels like my heart is skipping beats and this REALLY terrifies me, does this happen to anyone else? I have been to the doctors several times who have tried to reassure me that it's my anxiety but I just can't stop thinking about it. I know the more I think about it and concentrate on it the worse it gets, all my back and shoulders go tight. I am currently having CBT and trying really hard with it, but I just feel like I'm wasting my life away consumed in my head and body.

Sorry it's so long, thank you if you have taken the time to read :)!!

A x

22-11-14, 08:46
Hiya AVM16 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

22-11-14, 12:32
At times when I am most anxious and stressed my heart does this. At that exact moment you might not be feeling stressed or worried but it will still be the cause. I had tests done and there was nothing physical or sinister. I think if you are worrying about it you will notice it more too. I certainly did, now I just ignore it and just think of it as my old friend saying hello!
Worrying excessively can be very exhausting and soul destroying too I understand and it gets you down but we have to try and not let it become all consuming x

22-11-14, 20:11
Thank you much, it's comforting to hear I'm not alone. I just want to get back to the old me already and stop being such a worry wort and enjoy my time with my family.

Thanks again ��!!!