View Full Version : Mammogram results

22-11-14, 14:36
Hi there I had a mammogram Thursday morning, and I asked the technician if they looked alright , which she replied that she only does the mammogram s.she had to do the left boob where you put your arm up twice and the first picture wasn't accurate in the machine, she seemed to look at the second picture, and I said I am not having to done again, and she said it was alright it was done. She said I would get a letter in the next week or so, or two weeks , well anyway I have been feeling really ill since then terrified there is something wrong with me, and that I will get called back, I haven't been out since Thursday and I haven t washed my hair, or done much, I don't eat much and have Ben having panic attacks and crying today more than usual, surely if there is something untoward on the mammogram they would let you know , or do you have to wait a while I know I sound like a coward. Any info would be so appreciated to get me through this next few days or weeks. Thankyou.

22-11-14, 14:40
That is all very standard. My tech had trouble at times because I'm so round-shouldered, and had to fuss a bit with my placement to get it the way she wants it.

If there's anything that they can't make out on the mammo they would phone you in a day or so to come in--and even then it's usually because they didn't get the clearest picture.

Put it out of your mind. You'll get your "all clear" letter in no time. :)

23-11-14, 18:42
If there was anything that needed looking at again you'd have your letter in a matter of days rather than weeks.

23-11-14, 18:49
Also don't panic if you do get a letter in the week, I was told that it will be up to 2 weeks for the letter and my letter arrived 5 days later and I nearly died of fright when I saw the envelope as I was assuming getting it so quick was bad news but it was fine they were just quicker than they said.

23-11-14, 20:40
Thanks country girl, as I said the technician wouldn't comment on the mammos this was Thursday morning a couple of days ago, and she wasn't very helpful to me,she said they won't be read today meaning Thursday and I got there early as well , and she said won't be read Friday , so I don't know when they will be looked at , she took the left mammogram with you arm up twice and she couldn't get it right the first time, she did look at it , she said you will get your letter in the next two weeks or a phone call well that scared me, I am doing my own head in at the moment worrying about all this.surely somebody would have looked on the Thursday and the Friday, I know they have a backlog, I don't think I can cope with this anymore,I dread tomorrow, I have got a bad cold again second one in a month. I just want to curl up in a ball somewhere, sorry for offloading..... :)

23-11-14, 21:13
I know how you feel, I'm sure it will all be okayxx

I have one on Wednesday, I hate this :(xx

24-11-14, 15:21
I know how your feeling, had mine done nearly 2 weeks ago and they gave me a note as I went out saying the results could be at least 6 weeks because of the back log of work......just too much to bear!:ohmy::ohmy: I just cant stop worrying.....stupid I know! and have spoken to a few ladies and 4 of them got recalls, Im just frantic:weep::weep:

24-11-14, 15:29
Do you live in essex. How long did the ladies wait when they got recalls I rang this morning , the breast screening clinic, and they were not very helpful, I explained that I have cronich anxiety disorder, and that I had a 3 yearly mammogram last Thursday morning, and she said they haven't even been looked at yet!!!!i have been ill since having this done and I got another cold, I feel like my life is on hold, if you haven't heard anything for two weeks I would say you are alright, surely if something was wrong they would have got in touch with you by now,don't know. Hope everything is alright :)

24-11-14, 15:37
Im in north Yorkshire and it was my 3 yearly mammo at the mobile unit that comes to the village. I didn't ask the ladies how long they had to wait for a follow up appt....I would imagine weeks:weep: its horrid having this anxiety:weep: drives you insane:wacko: Im 57 and this is my 3rd mammo....it doesn't get any easier!

24-11-14, 15:56
Can you ring the mobile unit, do they have a phone you can get in touch with, anyway let's keep our fingers crossed for both of us . :)

24-11-14, 15:58
no the mobile unit has moved on now you have to ring the breast clinic at the local hospital if you have any queries:)I have everything crossed!