View Full Version : dizzyness..ugh...

05-01-07, 03:17
i need advice..
the good news is that my throat symptoms have finally subsided..most of the time anyway...bad news is that since my throat has healed, im noticing that my dizzy spells seem a bit worse now...i havent actually fainted yet, but whenever i try to exercis now or even just walk, or even just read sometimes..im getting slight woozyness....its starting to freak me out..then that in turn makes me turn around and just run home...
maybe i pushed too hard, only been at the gym for a month, and the dizzyness was slowely getting less and better, but took last 8 days off the exercise to travel on holidays..now ive come back 3 days ago, and tried to go to gym wed- was fine, but thurs i had to stop after only 20 mins of exercise, then today i decided to go for a 30 min walk instead, and go the dizzyness again..ughhhh!!! is there something i can take for this???
i was thinking of the medication i got from doc a few months ago when all this started- i got a middle ear infection, and the dizzyness just has never completely gone since then...i spoke to doc about it a month ago, and she said infection has gone, that it is anxiety from all the illnesses i had the last year ( it was the year of illness for me this last year, i got everything, from throat infections, to stomach infections, midlle ear blah blah)she did basic neurological tests and said im fine...then why still the dizzyness????
if my stress throat lump has gone, surely that means im more relaxed now???..i keep reading here its a common symptom, but cmon, how do you all cope with it??? its driving me crazy!...

05-01-07, 04:11
Hi Peach,
I sometimes feel dizzy. I had one night where I had to crawl to the bathroom . It was so scary. It could be anxiety as that is a very common symptom, but if you feel it could have something to do with your ear I would ask for a second opinion to make sure. I hope you feel better soon.
Take care,

05-01-07, 05:34
hi michelle,
thanks for that...ill check that with doc next time i go..im trying not to see her for a while...i was there like 8 times last year, poor woman..lol..no,shes great, very patient with me and will only send me to intrusive and painful tests when she thinks they are really needed....which i appreciate..she did save my mums boyfriends life last year, so i do trust her...i think when we get these continuel and physical symptoms, its so hard to beleive its anxiety and not an illness..

05-01-07, 08:06
hi peach,
sorry to hear you're feeling unwell at the moment. i can definetly relate to the dizziness. i got signed off work last summer with it for 5 weeks. i have what the docs call labrynthitus. which is like an infection in the inner ear. basically it sends the wrong messages to the brain. the bit that controlls the balance. it keeps coming and going. why i dont know. its very frustrating but i sort of learn slowly to live with it now. dont know if it will go away completly but im hoping.:) im sure you'll be feeling a lot better soon. if it still presists go back to your doc. she seems to be a good one. hope you feel better soon.....take care

05-01-07, 09:50
hi twiglet,
thanks so much for the advice, after hearing from both of you i already feel more at ease that this isnt a tumor...even tho doc already said it its not that,she did testing for that....it has only started since i got the middle ear infection, which, if you ve had that cause major imbalance, and dizzyness...it did seem like it was clearing up a bit last couple of weeks, but just worse these last 3 days....im going to try to not let it affect my already disturbed mind..lol...my stupid mind goes all 'its a tumor' on me, which of course makes the dizzyness worse....evil, evil cycle...thanx again, if it ends up being similar to what you experience, then, it will be a pain in the ass, but ill cope knowing it will pass....
will of course harrass my doc again if it continues too long, i got university in feb, and doc knows i cant go too long without seeing her about something that i think im dying from....does your body just pack it in when you hit your 30s? this is what my mum thinks. she told me that now im 30, my body is deteriorating...surely!?!? not, and not so fast?!?!

05-01-07, 10:48
Also get the dizzy feeling & also convinced myself I have a brain tumour. Seen 3 doctors all say I'm ok.
But headache & dizzyness still there.
Its an evil circle.....
Worry about funny head, head is funny because your worrying about it.

05-01-07, 12:50

My dizziness started 6 months ago with very litle respite, I was told it was stress/anxiety. It is the scariest symptom I have every had. It is easy to believe that it is something more sinister such as a brain tumor.

Then for the month of November the dizziness left me together with the other anxiety symptoms I thought I was rid of it. Early December pressure built at university and back it came (not as bad as before). I thought I would cope better if it returned but I was just as fearful. I tried to tell myself it must be stress as if it was anything more it wouldn't have gone for 4 weeks. Of course with the fear comes the other anxiety symptoms. I know now this was a set back that has to be expected. I believe anxiety/stress can take months or even years to build up. Initialy we cope well with stressful situations in our life until our nervous system can no longer cope and starts crying out i.e. these symptoms appear. If it takes months/years to get to this point then it isn't going to disappear over night it will take weeks/months for the nervous system and our bodies to heal.

Fortunately for the last 2 weeks my dizziness has subsided (not completely) but i am more prepared now for setbacks which I believe are part of the recovery. University starts back at the end of January and I know there will be pressures, hopefully I will be able to cope.


kamilla 51
05-01-07, 13:35
Hello there all,

I sufffer from the same. Going to have an eye test tomorrow but it is prob in vain.
I always feel guilty going to the docs because i feel like i waste their time.
Isn't it funny that we know that this is our anxiety getting the better of us but the doubt remains.

I went to see a counsellor for an assesment and he baisically ridiculed the way i was feeling- how rude I hope I dont get him for my actual sessions. He told me that there was nothing wrong because i am able to 'function' ie go to work and see friends. ... well i need to pay the bills and my friends stop me from going completley bonkers.

Peach don;t hit it too hard at the gym, regarding weight loss any excersie is good no matter how little. Maybe try from the begining do ten mins or five and just build up your resistance to the machine and symptoms so to speak. Does that help?

05-01-07, 22:27
hi all,
thanks sooo sooo much for all your advice, tho its awful you all are suffering this like me, it is nice to know im not alone in this....your right, trying to start at 30 mins then ramp up to 45 mins work out within 2 weeks is probably too much, considering i havent exercised in like 5 years...last time i went to the gym i was fine, younger, and didnt suffer the anxiety symptoms, i guess its different for us...im so envious of ppl who dont suffer from this...i also have ibs, so youd think i had enough on my plate to deal with...
chillx, what you said makes so much sense!!!...when i was 22-25, i suffered a lot of stress with mean boyfriends, mean friends, and a death of a good friend....tho i didnt suffer from any pysical symptoms of anxiety, it makes sense, that now, after this hard year, my body can take no more and is on strike...i dont blame it...i guess in a way i kinda deserve the weird things its doing to me now, after the way i have treated it over the years....this place is such a good therapy for me!!! so great to talk to you all, and most of all, vent ,vent,vent!
this is all stuff ive had in my head, and great just to talk, and let it out, and get opinions from like minded ppl....havent had ppl to talk to in years......so much better then a therapist....
hugs to you all...

05-01-07, 22:39
I had it for years and years and was the last thing to ever go!

Read this from another website....

Dizziness or light-headedness
The sensation:
You feel suddenly light-headed, woozy or dizzy. This is sometimes accompanied by a feeling that you might faint or pass out. It also may feel as though you are walking on a boat, or that the floor seems to move up and down and it's hard to balance. You may also have difficulty placing your feet because your perception of the ground or floor may be wrong. In some cases it may seem that even though you are standing on a firm floor, the floor may be vibrating or moving.
The reason:
This symptom has a few variations. Some people may experience a sudden head rush feeling, which goes almost as quickly as it comes. As long as the individual doesn’t react with more fear, the symptom will come and go and will vary in frequency from a number of times per day, to a few times a month.
Another variation includes a constant state of unbalance, spinning, wooziness, fogginess and so on. Often it is accompanied by a feeling that you may pass out (some people do, however, that’s not common).
This symptom has a few causes. It could be from a blood sugar imbalance, hyperventilation (not getting enough oxygen) or an inner ear or ear pressure condition.
This is a common symptom and sometimes an individual can experience both forms, and at different times. I did.
There are tests available that can accurately identify a blood sugar imbalance, however, most often this isn’t the main cause. Typically, those with anxiety disorder have their blood sugar levels within the safe range when tested. However, long periods without eating may aggravate the condition because blood sugar levels may drop too low because of not eating. It’s important to eat regular wholesome and natural food so that the fluctuations in blood sugar remain in the normal range.
If you are experiencing this symptom, having medical tests may be beneficial. Certainly, to rule out any other cause.
If your symptom is a result of hyperventilation, deliberately deep slow breathing will reduce and even eliminate this symptom.
While deep relaxation will help to diminish and eliminate most symptoms, I’ve personally found that this symptom is one that hangs on the longest, and is the least responsive to immediate counter action. However, a regular deep relaxation routine provided me with results… it just took awhile.
As with all symptoms, when the nervous system gets sufficient rest, this symptom will diminish and eventually subside.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel