View Full Version : I've been referred to a psychiatrist

22-11-14, 18:59
by my GP. I got a letter today confirming my first appointment in which they said it will "be an assessment of my needs" and last for approximately 90 minutes.

I understand that this is probably a positive step rather than a negative one but as somebody who fears the development of severe mental illnesses, I'm naturally worried that it won't just be anxiety.

How was your first psychiatric appointment?

22-11-14, 19:54
I remember how I was in floods of tears as I spoke about everything that I had been bottling up,and hoping they could make head nor tail of it all.
The junior psyche, who is the person you usually see initially, was really kind,and listened attentively.
The time actually flew,she went into another room to discuss her findings with her senior,and they both came in and discussed the meds that I would be taking,and gave me some reassurance that I would,in time,recover.

22-11-14, 20:16
It was a good experience for me,finally I had sombody who would listen to me and help me get over the stress is was going through
Go in with a positive mind ,you will be fine

22-11-14, 22:46
It was a relief for me:wacko: at last I was being heard.