View Full Version : Memory loss, confusion, general muddiness

23-11-14, 03:53
I'm freaking out because my brain has been kinda ... sluggish lately. I will forget things right away, it will take me ages to think of how to do something simple that I've always been able to do. When I speak, words don't flow properly or I will just not make a whole lot of sense and get tongue tied. Sometimes I get clumsy with my hands, not typing as well as I usually do, hit the wrong keys etc.

I am scared something is wrong with my brain :(

23-11-14, 04:37
I think its mostly anxiety..I feel exactly the same .. I also feel a little lost as what to do next. I look and look for things to read and do but none seem interesting..its like im lost in a maze and not sure which way to turn and what to do next. I hope you feel better soon...Try to just think of something interesting to do or read and distract yourself. I get on here and read and read and read and then I read the news and then I go to craigslist and read amusing stuff there. I don't really like television much anymore and my eyes are bothering me more and more so the colors on the screen hurt my eyes so I get online and try to take it easy.. My interest in things wanes so i have to really concentrate on things.I think mine is a cross between anxiety and depression.

23-11-14, 09:38
Hi Puzzledlass,

So you have given up worrying about your bowels and moved on to your brain!

Well, your brain definitely will get slower, but remember - the older you are, the more there is to remember. So the brain gets more efficient at clearing out memories.

So just think - I'm not less efficient at remembering, I'm more efficient at forgetting!

23-11-14, 10:21
haha I am still worried about my bowels!

23-11-14, 17:59
All part of anxiety too, trust me! :hugs: