View Full Version : A bit about myself

23-11-14, 12:13
Hi guys,

I'm Maria, I'm 27 years old and I live in Mexico city.

So glad there's a place like this where I can share my experience with others who go through the same or similar stuff.

My life used to be normal, even tho I had a tendency for depression. But then, suddenly, everything changed forever. I'll sum it up as much as I can:

Almost 3 years ago, my family and I were in a car crash where someone very close to me passed away (my 10 year old nephew, who was also my god son and pretty much my best friend). Sadly, my mom could never recover fom it and she passed away eight months ago. And on top of everything, in the middle of both my mom and my nephew passing away, my sister and I were kidnapped for a few hours one night, the kidnappers didn't physically harm us, they just took our money, but it left a permanent trauma in me that I just can't seem to deal with very well. All of it together has left me in a mental and emotional wreck.

As you can probably imagine, I rarely leave the house now. I'm always afraid of accidents or crime, or illness (from which my mom passed away-- she died from a curable illness that could have been treated had we found out in time).

My anxiety levels are unbearable sometimes. I feel very misunderstood, my family is always telling me to seek help, but we don't have much money and there's no free help where I live. I work from home and I study online too, because that's the only way I can stop thinking about the horrible things that happened or might happen; so, I'm not idle all day but when I want to sleep, go outside or have a normal life, I just can't.

I thought I'd share it and just make some new friends to make this rough times more bearable for me, because I'm in almost complete isolation, I don't see my friends or family anymore (very rarely) and I've been feeling lonely and sad as of late.

Also, I'd like to be of help for those who need someone to talk to. I'm a very good listener :-)

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

big hugs from Mexico.


23-11-14, 12:18
Hiya ferpanda and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

23-11-14, 14:32

What you have been through is so traumatic, I can't even begin to imagine!

Sometimes help doesn't have to cost money. Look at your symptoms of anxiety and see how you may be able to overcome them....relaxation and mediation really helps me fro time to time. Try imagining putting your worries in a box and then storing it away....if you look on youtube, there will be some that you can listen to and follow. Helps me :)


25-11-14, 00:48
Thank you Hayliella,

I've also tried something called EFT or tapping. have u heard of it? You tap your self on certain spots while repeating some afirmations, it's truly powerful but it takes a lot for me to come to do it, because it's also draining since too much energy is released and worked with during the process...