View Full Version : questions about shortness of breath

23-11-14, 14:29
hi i have had this symptom on and of for years but every time it comes back i always think that its something bad. i was wondering how common is this symptom and how long have you or someone you know had it?? i always find my self trying to take that big breath like you get at the end of a yawn when im just sat down doing nothing, is that normal like should you need to do that all the time? i was told that trying to do that big breath all the time is making things worse not better, could that be true??
sorry for all the questions lol thanks in advance

23-11-14, 15:54
I don't know whether it's a psychological or physiological reaction, but yawning is a perfectly natural reaction to a shallow breathing pattern, and is NOT something to worry about. Neither is shallow breathing in general terms, but you should look into breathing techniques and such.
I've had all manner of anxiety related breathing issues, and hardly mind them anymore, but they used to freak me out severely. I still get it now and then, and the exact symptoms seems to change ever so slightly from time to time, which sometimes manages to rattle me a bit, but usually I can see it coming or at least backtrack and connect the dots.