View Full Version : This Gonna Sound Daft But Its Really Getting To Me

05-01-07, 10:07
I know this may sound silly but here goes. In 2001 I had my first really anxiety attack, It really did knock me for 6, I was in a terrible shape, I was walking around in a total trance every day for a good 6 months, In fact a friends mother even suggested I might have developed schizophrenia by the end of the whole experince. Which I may add which was brought on by a female who I was mad about but she was unfaithful which started it all:(

Anyway the problem arises in that 2007 has the say days as 2001 I.E today the 5th falling on a Friday, It also fell on a Friday in 2001. And I can remember quite clearly even yet dates when I was at rock bottom and the fact its falling on the same day is making it really bad.

I know the above sounds really daft but its getting to me, I.E recongering old memories that I though I had locked away forever

A happy person is fully caught up in the moment --and is not thinking about the past or the future.

05-01-07, 10:24
I mean there are some positive from 01 like meeting my wife and later going on to have a child, But things like getting knocked down while being in a dream state, or taking an ecstasy overdose to name a few really get to me, and the fact I can remember the dates and the fact they fall on the same day this year are making me anxious

A happy person is fully caught up in the moment --and is not thinking about the past or the future.

05-01-07, 10:37
You're not being silly by any means. Memories, even distant ones can continue to affect us for a very long time. Especially the not so nice ones.

But you've said it all in your last post:

"I mean there are some positive from 01 like meeting my wife and later going on to have a child....."

Hang on to the positive memories and even if you still remember the not so positive ones, you will find their effect on you will fade and weaken.

It works for me.....hope it helps you!

Take care

lotsa luv

GG [:P]


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