View Full Version : Day 5 of 100mg sertraline - feel wired tonight!

23-11-14, 22:40
Hey everyone,

Today is day 5 of me taking 100mg sertraline - I was on 75mg for a week before that and 50mg for the last 7 months.

I've felt since being on the 100mg that i've felt very restless - my legs tingle, muscles twitch and my sleep isn't great.

I went for a run earlier today in the hope that it would burn off some energy. But if anything i feel even more wired tonight. My heart rate is 100bpm, i just feel full of energy and it almost feels like my legs are full of electricity! I did have burning, tingling and pins and needles in my legs before upping my dose which my doc thought was anxiety so this could an increase in anxiety.

Anyone else been on the sertraline journey and have felt similar things?


23-11-14, 23:52
Hey Ryan,

No experience of Setraline myself, but if you look at the tagged posts with "wired" and "Setraline 100mg" below, it seems others have had the shakes at 100mg.
It might be the increased dose, or it might be that you haven't been taking it long enough to tackle your anxiety.

Just keep reminding yourself that it's only physical sensations and not going to harm you, no matter how unpleasant it is. Read Claire before you go to sleep. :)


24-11-14, 00:42
Thanks so much Chickpea!

I've got Claire right here beside me on my bedside table - going to read it now.

My post is a bit of a rant and kind of counts as reassurance seeking - but I kind of needed it tonight

Thanks again and big hugs to you


24-11-14, 08:22
I think asking for reassurance about anxiety is completely understandable.
You haven't asked us if we think you've got MS/are having a heart attack/stroke etc.

In fact, you're just asking for a bit of moral support and encouragement - and you'll always get it here. :hugs:

Hope you feel a bit better today.x

24-11-14, 18:32
Yes, Sertaline made my quite 'edgy' and restless (more so than normal).

Does it almost feel like you have had 3 or 4 strong coffees?

24-11-14, 19:23
Hey yes, that what it feels like. Was lying in bed at 3am and felt I had been injected with strong coffee. That feeling has lasted all day today too.

Hey Chick, today was another rough one after little sleep last night but got through it so I'm seeing that as a win! Hope you're doing ok.