View Full Version : Am I right.... Or wrong??

23-11-14, 23:11
Whenever I feel anxious or get that feeling before a panic attack, I always wounder if it is anxiety or actually something that I need to be concerned about

Like when I feel on edge and "anxious" is it actually something serious instead

I hate the feeling that builds up to a panic attack, it starts in my stomachs my hands go all sweaty my legs go all weak and shaky my heart pounds my eyes go all weird and I feel light headed, I know these are panic attack symptoms but is there anything else they could be

I had serious flu symptoms last night, I feel better tonight but my throat is super sore and I just feel "weird" so I'm sitting here thinking is it actually anxiety

I have super fears about my wart right now due to having palpitations and weird beats and thing so I'm just scared that my heart is going stop

November through to January area worse months for anxiety especially the weeks around Christmas 😞

Also worried about my breathing which makes me think there's something wrong with my heart. It's just so mean anxiety is

I've brought my first anxiety book because I just feel my anxiety is too much for me to handle right now

And I don't want to be trapped in my house like I used to be as I'm that terrified

23-11-14, 23:34
I have super fears about my wart right now due to having palpitations and weird beats and thing so I'm just scared that my heart is going stop

I assume you mean heart?

23-11-14, 23:51
Oh sorry yes I mean heart
Stupid iphone