View Full Version : Woozy

24-11-14, 11:02
Me again, in a bit of a state this morning, I have earache but am waiting for it to be bad enough to go to the doctors. It is the same ear that they said was blocked 2 weeks ago. My other problem is that my head feels too heavy for my shoulders, I still go slightly woozy and the back of my head aches something awful. Sometimes I do not feel as though I should be out and about. I feel really tense across my upper back and when I sit or lie down I feel like I am being pushed back. I am really worried that there is something wrong with me and will ask for blood tests but am also aware that these symptoms are classic anxiety. Does anyone else feel like this.

24-11-14, 11:09
The other day I gt a pain at the back of my head on the crown and ten minutes later it spread all across my head and shoulders
That night I had awful flu, my ears were blocked my head feels to heavy for my shoulders and I just feel woozy like you said

Maybe you've got a cold/flu coming?

Hope you feel better soon

24-11-14, 11:20
I haven't started with anything. My head has been like it for a month. The doctor seems to think it's all to do with my ears. She says my ear drum was dull but didn't give me anything. I am getting myself into such a state over this. Sometimes I feel like my heart is racing but my pulse is fine. Am going back on Wednesday and will see what they say. Think I am making myself worse with the worrying.

---------- Post added at 11:20 ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 ----------

I'm wondering if it's all my sinuses.

24-11-14, 11:40
I was going to ask how your sinuses are

I suffer a lot with my ears and it's all down to my sinuses

24-11-14, 11:55
I don't feel as though I have a problem with my sinus although I can always feel mucus at the back of my throat. Would sinus trouble make me woozy.

---------- Post added at 11:55 ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 ----------

I am also wondering if it is my neck

24-11-14, 12:50
Sinus problems can cause dizziness and post-nasal drip, as can ear problems.
Blocked sinuses and ear pressure will make your head feel leaden, as can neck problems.

It does sound like they are all connected, and being exacerbated by anxiety - as well as causing it.

You are not imagining your symptoms - they are real - but that doesn't mean they are serious.

Try a heat pad on your neck and shoulder, and also try steaming with menthol crystals, olbas oil or Vick's. Drink plenty of water too.

24-11-14, 13:02
Thanks chickpea, I know you are right and as you say anxiety is probably exacerbating the symptoms. My ear does hurt every time I bend my head so am going to go back on Wednesday. I am also having another massage on Wednesday to release my neck muscles. I wish I could rationalise it all. I am thinking of asking my GP to refer me back for more CBT, I had it at the beginning of the year and was ok after 5 months, but since then I seem to have lurched from one worry to another.