View Full Version : Premonition?! Voice telling me I will die soon...

24-11-14, 11:47
So I am having a minor op on Thursday and I am very anxious about it - my first ever time under GA which has always frightened me plus I am anxious about the things that can go wrong and what the results will be (I have a complex ovarian cyst).

About 11 days ago (on a Thursday night) I had a fairly normal dream (i.e. usual nonsensical rubbish!). At the end I was walking down a street and I started to wake up and heard a voice (I think it may have been mine!) saying "You will die within 2 weeks" :ohmy:

So I am basically beyond terrified now. Has anyone ever experienced this sort of thing and it didn't come true. So worried I have had a premonition :weep:

24-11-14, 13:23
I'm sure it's just your subconscious expressing your fears in a dream state.

24-11-14, 19:46
DEfinitely your subconscious fears .... I've had that, I heard a voice tell me I wouldn't make it to 13 - I'm 38 ;)
I wouldn't worry, I hear that kind of thing a lot - anxiety is a very powerful thing - we are ultimately giving over our control to our fear .... pointless yet we continue doing it.
Don't worry you'll be fine.

24-11-14, 19:53
I've had dreams where I won the lottery and despite my hopes that it was a premonition and playing the numbers, I'm still poor ~lol~

I think you get my drift here ;)

Positive thoughts

24-11-14, 21:16
Thanks guys :)

I hate feeling so out of control and I know my mind focuses on the magical thinking thing when I am like this (jinxes and 'signs' are all around right now!).

Just need to get there and be brave as I can!

25-11-14, 02:52
I had a dream telling I would die tomorrow. That was 9 years ago. You are just nervous. It means nothing.

25-11-14, 02:53
I get those "feelings" all the time... focus on the "all the time" :P

25-11-14, 06:36
Sometimes when you focus on something negative, you tend to get "signs" to "confirm" your suspicions.
Funny.. because I had this for some time now. I tend to see the number 911 everywhere I go. When I look at the time, it says 9:11am.. when I look a serial number on my electronic product, it says xxx911, and I swear when I play a game, my high score reads xxx911 too. Haha.
It's the way our minds are wired to see (or hear) what you want to see, especially when you are haboring negative thoughts.

So ... think positive ! :)

25-11-14, 10:24
If you are familiar with Brian Cox, the 'celebrity physicist' in the UK, you will hear him talk about the 'dark cloud of superstitious thought'.

All of these things are complete and utter rubbish and you need to banish them from your life because they are not helping your health anxiety:

- hearing voices
- 'touching wood'
- counting magpies and thinking that means something
- believing in ghosts
- walking under ladders
- believing that being sh*t on by a bird is good luck
- astrology
- tarot readers
- Derek Acorah

etc etc.

What ItchyOne (love the username) says is spot on. Buy a red car and you'll start noticing red cars everywhere. Think you have MS and you'll start noticing yourself twitching.

Superstition is not a good thing and it is the antithesis of rational thought.

25-11-14, 11:58
Thank you. Everything you say makes sense and I am normally fairly logical as a person but when my health anxiety gets involved I seem to need to find some kind of answer and when something is as out of my control as surgery it is hard to find answers so I go off on a tangent. That probably makes no sense!

25-11-14, 12:32
- Derek Acorah

brilliant. :roflmao: i used to love most haunted and admittedly him, but only for his campishness!

echoing everything everyone else said, nikki :) :hugs: you sound logical to me. anxiety just kind of steals that away from all of us. i was talking to my friend about it who also has anxiety issues and we were talking about how logical we are..until anxiety sweeps in. it kind of mixes everything up. i had the voices and the dreams too and sometimes i still do. but they're definitely just dreams.

Fizzy Warrior
25-11-14, 17:50
I heard a voice in a half-dream, when I was only in my early teens, telling me the exact date I was going to die. I even saw a flash of my grave, with my name and the date on it. Scared the living daylights out of me. The date was, at the time, a few months away, and for the whole time leading up to it I was a nervous wreck. On the day itself I was terrified, afraid to cross roads in case I got run over, afraid to eat in case I choked, etc. But I didn't and it's now over 30 years later. I also had a premonition about a plane crash, shortly before I was due to go on a flight, so of course I was convinced that was going to happen too, but obviously, it did not. I know it's easy to say "try not to worry" - but really, try not to! I won't wish you good luck with your surgery, because you don't need luck - you will be fine! -x-

26-11-14, 06:30
Hey there
myhusband was killed in a car accident May 2013 after we had been married justa short 13 months. My dreams were MENTAL after he died. One of my dreams I had a full on conversation with him and woke up CONVINCED it actually happened. Had another one just two nights ago where I had another conversation with him - they are generally quite comforting though.\

Anyway, shortly after his death, I had a dream, I could see my name on a head stone with 19th Auguest written on it but no year. 19th August 2013, I freaked out, I was petrified. I didnt move from the house all day, I hardly moved a muscle and stayed in bed most of the day. The day came and went. 19th August 2014, I spent the day with a friend. Again petrified. I was more scared on teh 18th than ont eh 19th. I just wanted the 19th to be over and move on to the 20th whereas on 18th I was scared about what could happen.

So 19th August 2014 passed with no eventualities - now I have 19th August 2015 to look forward to!! I posted about my fears and dreams on here too and got some good advice. Your dreams are your minds way of getting feelings an sub conscious thoughts out - apparently. I "pacified" myself by looking up dream meanings online and to dream of a death is generally a good thing ebacuse it means new beginnings!!!

20-10-17, 11:56
Thank you. Everything you say makes sense and I am normally fairly logical as a person but when my health anxiety gets involved I seem to need to find some kind of answer and when something is as out of my control as surgery it is hard to find answers so I go off on a tangent. That probably makes no sense!

So I know this is super old, but... how'd it go?

20-10-17, 13:19
The thread is three years old so I doubt you'll get a response. You could try PMing the OP though...

Positive thoughts

20-10-17, 14:20
The thread is three years old so I doubt you'll get a response. You could try PMing the OP though...

Positive thoughts

Well, she was still posting in 2016 so I guess she's fine! It's the ones that post things like this and then you never hear from again that I worry about...

20-10-17, 14:35
Well, she was still posting in 2016 so I guess she's fine! It's the ones that post things like this and then you never hear from again that I worry about...

She last logged in in Feb of this year so it's safe to assume she's Ok.

Positive thoughts