View Full Version : Each day is different

24-11-14, 18:23
I try to tell myself it can't be too serious if sometimes I feel fabulous. But then it all comes back. Currently, heart palpitations, very windy with gassy bowel movements, nausea, pain in right kidney, pain in tummy above belly button, very rumbling tummy, funny metallic taste in mouth and occasional chest pain. Then there's the overwhelming feeling of anxiety/panic/doom.
Then I'll be sitting watching telly and realise I'm not experiencing any of the symptoms.
First thing in the morning I wake up and see if I have any symptoms.

I'm just moving to a new GP. Normally, I will cope with this quietly until I am forced to visit my gp in case it is cancer this time.
I just keep it all to myself. Christmas is coming and I'm convinced it will be ruined because I'll be diagnosed as this being my last.

24-11-14, 19:05
Don't worry,it's not cancer,just these horrid feelings,I feel the same and getting so fed up with it now,went it to go away x

25-11-14, 10:26
Please do not let HA ruin your Christmas. It would be especially sad given that your username is Elf.

Fizzy Warrior
25-11-14, 10:30
Hi, you've just described me! I could've written that post! Exact same symptoms, and a few more too sometimes, that come and go... I've been to my GP so many times he's probably sick of the sight of me! At first I didn't believe him when he said there wasn't anything physically wrong with me, but I'm getting there, gradually. Have managed not to go to him for the past couple of months now. Like you, I am sure that if there are times when I feel fine, then it can't be too serious. I can sometimes go for a whole day, and occasionally a couple of days in a row, without feeling any symptoms. I notice that's usually when I'm busier and have other things on my mind... so therefore, it is anxiety-related, it can only "thrive" when I think about it too much. Hope you feel better soon -x-

25-11-14, 10:32
Hi, you've just described me! I could've written that post! Exact same symptoms, and a few more too sometimes, that come and go... I've been to my GP so many times he's probably sick of the sight of me! At first I didn't believe him when he said there wasn't anything physically wrong with me, but I'm getting there, gradually. Have managed not to go to him for the past couple of months now. Like you, I am sure that if there are times when I feel fine, then it can't be too serious. I can sometimes go for a whole day, and occasionally a couple of days in a row, without feeling any symptoms. I notice that's usually when I'm busier and have other things on my mind... so therefore, it is anxiety-related, it can only "thrive" when I think about it too much. Hope you feel better soon -x-

the bit in bold is when I finally twigged I had health anxiety.

25-11-14, 11:34
Thanks guys. I can't talk to my family about this and dread the doctor.....that's why Dr. Google features in my life so strongly. Nice to know there's somebody to talk to.

25-11-14, 16:54
Don't google it,it's just horrible anxiety that can effect all of your body x

Fizzy Warrior
25-11-14, 17:28
Yeah Nampop, you're so right, Google only makes things worse. My doctor urged me to stop googling my symptoms. He put it like this: "We're sitting here in this office and if there was a knock on the door right now, more than likely it is just someone looking for a phone number or something. However, it COULD be an axe-murderer, coming in to kill us. It COULD be a robber or a terrorist or a monster, or anything! But it's probably just that person looking for a phone number." - And so it is with Google. You put in your symptoms and hit "search" and it comes up with page after page after page of what it COULD be. And all of the "could be"s include The Big Ones, like cancer, and heart disease etc. And human nature being what it is, (especially for those of us with over-anxious imaginations) we immediately pounce on the worst diagnosis we can find: "Hey, I've got all those symptoms! It MUST be [insert scary disease here]"
I've just spent the last few days feeling dizzy, and convinced myself it must be a brain tumour, but I managed to restrain myself from consulting Dr. Google because I know that would only make me more convinced than ever! I've got an extremely rumbling stomach as well though, which is another one of my ongoing symptoms... I have been googling that, I have to admit, so I'm not really very good at practising what I preach! :/

26-11-14, 08:12
I cant lie,i have done it but not so much now as my doc told me its just pure anxiety,horrible as it is it cant hurt you but its still hell x

26-11-14, 18:44
I felt find this a.m. Went to gym and swam as usual. Constantly looking for twinges of pain etc. all fine until this afternoon when back came the stomach, right side and back pain and the gas. If it was cancer, wouldn't the pain be constant? Perhaps it's IBS but I have quite regular bowel movements. Perhaps gall bladder disease or gall bladder cancer, although I'm not jaundiced....I check all the time. Going to GP next Wednesday for new citalopram prescription. Terrified she'll want to send me for a test. Not sure I could handle it.

27-11-14, 08:23
You will be fine,honest,please dont worry x