View Full Version : Bowel cancer worries...yukky

24-11-14, 20:31
Just over the last two weeks I have been suffering from hello mate urgent, little blood loss and the scary pink coloured mucus that I am passing without a stool.

I have had ibs for years but this is very different. Went to Gp Today and he examined me😳, but found no piles and nothing on abdo exam. He is requesting blood tests and stool tests. Sorry for the gory details.

Basically my mega fear of cancer has gone spiralling out of control, basically I can't see how I have been suffering from all these things and not have it?!?!

Mind in over drive, Dr Google keeps knocking but I keep trying to find positive stories which are non existent.

Many times I've had imaginary problems, like globus which I can get my head around but these symptoms are so very real and I can't escape,

I just can't pull myself together and need some reassurance please?

24-11-14, 20:44
Well, if you have bowel cancer then so do I - because I have all the same symptoms and have done for ages.

In actual fact, I have IBS and Crohn's.

Why does everyone think that loose stools and a bit of blood = cancer?
I can tell you, I had diaorhhea 20 times a day and more than little blood and it never crossed my mind it was bowel cancer.

Even having Crohn's, they won't start screening for cancer until 8 years after diagnosis, and even then, it will be annual screening by colonoscopy.

24-11-14, 22:11
Oh dear, not hello mate. Flipping predictive text

---------- Post added at 22:11 ---------- Previous post was at 22:07 ----------

Thanks chickpea, I have had ibs for about 15 years but have never had blood and pink mucus before; can get my head around the blood but not the just passing mucus with no stool, up to 10 times a day.

How did they diagnose your chrons? Doc did mention that or maybe colitis which I know are not a walk I the park, but I could handle that better than "c".

24-11-14, 22:17
I sometimes just pass mucus... I think it is to do with a build up f gas with ibs

24-11-14, 22:28
Again, I often pass just mucous and even just clear froth - I believe it's IBS, because it happens even when my Crohn's is under control.

I was diagnosed by colonoscopy, after blood tests were normal.
Since then , a faecal calprotectin stool tests has suggested I'm in remission (but that was 8 months ago, so who knows?)

My consultant says it's often hard to differentiate between what is being caused by Crohn's and what by IBS in the absence of blood.

Crohn's is not nice, but it doesn't have to be horrendous.
I've had it for 5 years and am generally well.
IBS has been more of a pain, in all honesty.

always worried
24-11-14, 22:36
Can Crohns cause pain lower-down so to speak and back pain?

24-11-14, 23:02
Can Crohns cause pain lower-down so to speak and back pain?

Absolutely - as can IBS.

always worried
25-11-14, 17:13
Thanks Chickpea. Do either cause shooting pains or soreness inside? I have a dragging type feeling almost like bleeding or cut inside if that makes sense?

I switch between shooting pains, a dull ache and actual soreness like glass.

25-11-14, 21:19
I've had lots of mucus and the "need to go" poos. Also had blood occasionally.... Once in the bowl as well. Been checked and all OK.


30-11-14, 16:58
Thanks all, but more reassured. But no-one has ever seemed to have the pink mucus only stools?!?!? Now waiting for blood test and stool test results! Will hopefully have a good resolution. Wishing you all well.

30-11-14, 17:03
Thanks Chickpea. Do either cause shooting pains or soreness inside? I have a dragging type feeling almost like bleeding or cut inside if that makes sense?

I switch between shooting pains, a dull ache and actual soreness like glass.

When I first had Crohn's, I had the feeling like glass every bowel movement - to the point it would reduce me to tears and I had to take paracetamol to take away the pain.
It was an anal fissure - a tear. Agony!

03-12-14, 19:03
Thanks everyone, just a quick update. Gp called me today and Bloods came back normal but calprotectin stool test shows inflammation and I will need to be seen by gastro within two weeks. I am not worried by procedures but terrified of the result; namely cancer. I am quite literally shi#*ing it now.

Any one offer any help; to add to my woes I have s discomfort under my left rib so now I am totally convinced it's sinister. Anyone with chrons or uc who can offer a light at the end of the tunnel? :(

11-12-14, 15:28
Hi Rara - I am the same as you at the moment - my GP phoned to say calprotectin test has come back with inflammation so I have to go for a camera - great, just what I needed before Christmas. I am 58 so very worried as I've had bowel changes since June so I am convinced it's cancer even though bloods were clear and I don't bleed or anything. Just feel unwell and loads of IBS symptoms that have changed recently. Good luck.

Mr Brownstone
12-12-14, 19:51
I was always under the impression that "inflammation" referred to the possibility of anything that falls under the Inflammatory Bowel Disease banner. i.e. not cancer. Didnt either of you clarify with your doctor?