View Full Version : Any suggestions(please)

05-01-07, 13:23
Hi this is the second time i have written and was very pleased with the response from everyone.
I have been getting worse rather than better, i have got now so i am totally house bound and cannot even go out without panicking, i am not eating hardly anything as the fear of being sick and this is starting to do my head in. I am 36 but i have no life at all. is there anything i am doing wrong can anyone suggest anything that might make life seem to be a bit more bearable. I am not happy with how i am am have never felt so alone in my whole life.

D Denny

05-01-07, 13:57
Hello Tiggy

Are your receiving any professional help at the moment? Or had any in the past that helped you?
Is there a specific point in time that made you started heading down this sad road?
How long have you been house bound?

Sorry so many questions. But I hate the thought of you sat at home alone with no one aware of what is happening to you.

05-01-07, 14:59
Hey hun, I know exactly how u feel because this happened to me last year right before i was due to get married. I dont know how i managed but i managed to get through it and im doing ok at the moment. Have you got anything that is weighing on your mind at the moment? If you ever want to chat feel free to pm me xx

05-01-07, 19:10

Unfortunately the only way you will get over this is with exposure to the outside world and to the panic.

You have to learn it won't kill you, it can't harm you and you have to stay with it and prove that to yourself.

Small steps each day soon add up to big ones.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

06-01-07, 02:39
Hi Tiggy -
Nic is right!! You have to face your fear of the outside world a little at a time to get past the anxiety/panic that you are having.
It's hard and scary I know. I was housebound for almost 4 years and I had to take little trips outside that at first made me feel like it was doing more harm than good. I was so unsure of myself and being in the outside world. But I soon realized that I was making progress and now I have a job, am going back to school to get my LPN certificate and can even drive myself back and forth to work!!! Those are all things that I NEVER thought I would be able to do again. If I can do it - you can do it too!!!!
If you need to talk just let me know.

07-01-07, 22:25
Hi Tiggy
I think everyone's advice is really helpful.
I was housebound about 3 years ago - I can understand the loss of appetite, sweats etc... I can empathise with your loneliness and sadness. I felt quite desperate.

HOwever, doing small steps at a time is the best way (well it worked for me) but what helped was to have a kind of friend or mentor or even family member - someone who can understand, be patient and help you.
My first step was to see a Cognitive Behaviour counsellor who set me small tasks each week - absolutely terrifying for me but a bit at a time. I had medication while I went through this too but that is not right for everyone but it gave me some clarity while I was trying to slowly build my life back up in the outside world.
Get all the support you can and don't be afraid to talk to those closest too you - I thought they would all think I had gone on the loopey train but people were amazing and this sort of thing isn't uncommon anymore.
Take care

08-01-07, 01:28
Hi there, I'd endorse the previous post.

CBT or analytical hypnotherapy or there are some other faster resolution procedures.

You need to work with someone who can go through your symptom - stuck in the house - and deal with the cause.

When you clear the cause your unconscious mind will have no need for the symptom any more.

I know it sounds simple, it is, it's just letting it happen can be difficult.

Good luck - make good choices

