View Full Version : Sat up in bed and can't relax.... Replies really appreciated

Female healthanxiety
24-11-14, 23:49
I've always had a stroke/heart fear.

My left foot and arm have been feeling really fidgety since the cold weather came upon us.

I just worry as it's not on both sides. For the past 2 years, when it gets cold it's like my foot and hand cannot handle it.

I feel like my left foot and calf go really cold and numb and I feel like I could lose balance. This also happens in my left arm, it feels almost achey.

I wear like 3 pairs of socks and tights but does not matter.

I just sat up as I feel really panicky.

My left leg almost feels like it's twitching of it's own accord :-(

25-11-14, 00:15
I totally understand your panic. Honestly I don't think its anything serious, if you've had it for 2 years and it hasn't harmed you, you will be fine. However it does sound as if part of it could just be your anxiety making it feel worse, I know if I'm worried about a particular pain, my anxiety always 'makes it worse'. If you're concerned, get yourself to the docs just to put your mind at rest and to ease the anxiety about it. I hope this has helped

Female healthanxiety
25-11-14, 00:19
Thank you for your reply Hayle.

As well I feel like I don't have much strength as well; not sure what it is :-(

Can't relax and have to be up early.

25-11-14, 00:25
Ah I hate that feeling, trust me though that's just the adrenaline, its perfectly normal to feel weak\tired etc... Nothing worse than knowing you have to be up early, it turns into a vicious circle doesn't it?!

Female healthanxiety
25-11-14, 19:05
Sorry- I managed to force myself asleep! Woke up today absolutely exhausted as I obviously went to sleep so late and had to get up at 6.

Today had been more or less the same; I just wish it would do one!