View Full Version : Blood or not? (poo thread)

25-11-14, 02:46
I have a longstanding fear about my bowels and particularly bowel cancer. I won't go into it too much because I've already posted on here about it a few times, but long story short I have had red bleeding on and off for the last 6-7 months. FOBT (had two) came back clear and CBC was normal.

Sometimes when I go number 2's - there are little red bits like flakes in the stool. If I squish one (gross I know) it smears out and looks like bright red blood- kinda dry looking. Is this likely to be blood or from something I have eaten?

25-11-14, 03:41
Do you have haemorrhoids? Or have you gone through a colonoscopy before?
I have cases of haemorrhoids flaring up before, and sometimes I get blood spots (something like yours), or streaks on my poo.
Or it could be something you ate, like chilli flakes, or red capsicum.

25-11-14, 03:51
I haven't had a colonoscopy. I want one though but can't afford. No idea what is going on which concerns me a lot

25-11-14, 05:25
I don't understand how you can squish a 'flake' of blood. That definitely sounds like food!
Tomato skin or a seed. You might need to write a food map so when it happens again you can check. I think colonoscopy's should be free! What a great way to make sure everything is ok. I'm going through similar.

25-11-14, 06:09
Have you had the blood too? I think they should be free too...at this stage I definitely won't be getting one!

25-11-14, 06:26
From what I know, if the blood is staining the poo on the surface, then it's very likely something common like haemorrhoids or a fissure.
If the blood is mixed with the poo, then it could be something higher up the intestines, which needs attention. In this case, the color of the poo would look dark red.

If the red flakes smudges, then its likely that it is fresh (if it is blood in the first place), in that case, it could mean it's likely haemorrhoids or a fissure.

Btw, I'm not a medical doctor, the above is based on my earlier experience going through a similar scare.

25-11-14, 12:26
you know i have similar sort of worries as you do (BC) and there was a time where i thought the best thing would be to have a colonoscopy too but now i'm pleased i didn't. you've had a FOBT, two of them, and they were clear. you should be jumping for joy :P. those could detect if there was anything to worry about. i suggest not looking at your poop so much, that helped me. i checked it every time for months and it only prolonged my fears as reassurance is wont to do. doctors won't refer people for colonoscopies if they have no reason to cos it's a sort of invasive procedure when you think about it. :hugs: stop looking at your poop so much. start by looking only once a day then go once every other day then try for a week. it's an obsessive compulsion and takes over. trust me!

25-11-14, 12:50
you've had a FOBT, two of them, and they were clear. you should be jumping for joy :P.... i suggest not looking at your poop so much... it's an obsessive compulsion and takes over. trust me!

When it goes from looking to touching, sorting and analyzing contents?.... it's way beyond the norm!

Positive thoughts and poo threads

25-11-14, 14:24
I have a longstanding fear about my bowels and particularly bowel cancer. I won't go into it too much because I've already posted on here about it a few times, but long story short I have had red bleeding on and off for the last 6-7 months. FOBT (had two) came back clear and CBC was normal.

Sometimes when I go number 2's - there are little red bits like flakes in the stool. If I squish one (gross I know) it smears out and looks like bright red blood- kinda dry looking. Is this likely to be blood or from something I have eaten?

If you're that worried ask for a colonoscopy. It'll put your mind at ease and you'll never think about your poop again. :D

25-11-14, 15:11
I don't think it's 'beyond the norm' for people with HA to do such things at all. That's what it's all about. The constant checking, feeling and looking.
It sounds to me like something you ate. :hugs:

25-11-14, 18:39
If you're that worried ask for a colonoscopy. It'll put your mind at ease and you'll never think about your poop again. :D

Here's the thing. A colonoscopy under normal circumstances is not needed until the age of 50. The OP has been diagnosed with hems and fissures. Further testing will only feed the dragon.

I do agree that "beyond the norm" was a bit harsh and I apologize. I've read worse (including keeping a poo journal!). As one who has been somewhat proud of an exceptional poo (Honey... bring the camera! ~lol~) I've taken a good gander of my work but still... Nope, nope, nope! I ain't touching it! :lac:

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
25-11-14, 18:50
Some things aren't as easily digested as others, such as the skins of fruit and veggies like tomatoes and red peppers etc. Reading your post, i'm also very glad that the UK and most of Western Europe don't have to pay for certain examinations or medications, how awful that you have to pay so much in America and Australia.


25-11-14, 18:51
I wasn't offended at all FMP! Many things I do are well beyond the norm haha.

I've not been diagnosed with anything yet, not even hemms or fissures. Docs have been like "it's probably that" but no actual diagnosis.

25-11-14, 19:06
I wasn't offended at all FMP! Many things I do are well beyond the norm haha.

I've not been diagnosed with anything yet, not even hemms or fissures. Docs have been like "it's probably that" but no actual diagnosis.

"Yeah but".... You've had clear poo tests and have had off and on bleeding since March or so... if it were sinister, you're be a very sick PLass by now. Your doctor, short of putting a camera up your bum is spot on. If you going to do anything obsessive, keep a food diary and see what you're eating and if it coincides with what comes out the other end. This way you won't have to dissect your poo :wacko: You may even find that certain foods aggravate things. That's how my wife found out she had developed lactose intolerance after drinking milk all her life.

Positive thoughts

25-11-14, 19:38
Here's the thing. A colonoscopy under normal circumstances is not needed until the age of 50. The OP has been diagnosed with hems and fissures. Further testing will only feed the dragon.

I do agree that "beyond the norm" was a bit harsh and I apologize. I've read worse (including keeping a poo journal!). As one who has been somewhat proud of an exceptional poo (Honey... bring the camera! ~lol~) I've taken a good gander of my work but still... Nope, nope, nope! I ain't touching it! :lac:

Positive thoughts

hahaha--can't say I want to touch mine either!

I wasn't aware the OP had any diagnoses....maybe I missed it. :wacko:

25-11-14, 21:08
I live in NZ which has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer... yet there's no screening programme, a long waiting list to get certain procedures done on public health system and if you wanna go private you have to pay thousands!

25-11-14, 21:54
Bright red blood usually means something more common like hemorrhoids or fissures. I have had it as well. Never went for a colonoscopy. It happens once in awhile every few months.

I too have caught myself examining my own poop. With chopsticks! Thought I had found blood INSIDE of it. Turns out it was watermelon :-/ since I had upped my fiber intake to help with the hemorrhoids.

25-11-14, 22:03
I too have caught myself examining my own poop. With chopsticks!

Poo Sushi? :D

Positive thoughts

25-11-14, 22:09
Poo Sushi? :D

Positive thoughts

Says the man who wouldn't examine his own poo. :D

25-11-14, 23:43
Says the man who wouldn't examine his own poo. :D

But I'm a very experienced pooper (http://www.buzzfeed.com/katienotopoulos/how-experienced-in-pooping-are-you) :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

25-11-14, 23:46
"the cruel irony of the post-shower poop". Too funny!:roflmao:

26-11-14, 07:38
Oh I"ve analysed my poop!!! Goodness me. I thought I was the only one that did that.
I noticed I have red flakes after I eat tomatoes or blueberries... they say you know it's blood if you stick a tissue on it and it stains the tissue red, if it doesn't then it's not blood!

yep you'll be picking your poop out of the toilet and putting a tissue on it tonight!!! ;)

26-11-14, 08:39
I've definitely had blood before. Also my stomach has just gotten worse with pain and loose poos. Hate it so much. I just want a camera up there to make sure it's ok :(