View Full Version : ..panic attacks..

05-01-07, 14:17
im kelly..im 13..and i have panic attacks..i dont know what to do because everyone has a go and i get no support ect..i feel so down and stuff..the panic attacks really scare me and i get so upset and confused..ive had them since i was 11/12 and they arent getting any better..anyone who has panic attacks..or has advice for me..please answer this.
kelly x
*please help.

05-01-07, 14:52
kelly have you seen a gp or had any other help?

Ellen XX

05-01-07, 15:10
i saw my gp and hes got me to go counselloring..but the counsellors keep leaving..ive had 2/3 counsellors upto now.
kelly x

05-01-07, 19:59
I really go feel sorry for you. My panic attacks started because because I was bullyed and I had no support what so ever.

Do your parents know that you are having panic attacks? If not then do tell them. I never did until my Mum saw me having an attack and since then she has been a great help to me. Also tell your teachers at school so they know what the situation is and give you support.

Chin up!

06-01-07, 19:58
hi again..yeh, my family nos, everyone nos, my teachers no but dont help...i had a big panic attack on friday because of feelings..i hate it.
kelly x

06-01-07, 19:58
i got sent home for the panic attack..i got so angry..pathetic i no
kelly x

07-01-07, 00:24
soz for going on but..whats the point in panic attacks..and life..if it makes you feel so bad, why do people have to have panic attacks?

im so scared about school on monday, i dont no what to do, i would do anything to get out of it.
kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

07-01-07, 00:36
Hi Kelly,
I first started having anxiety when I was at university. It always happened in class. My first reaction was to stop going to class, but this didn't help and only gave anxiety more control. Instead I went back to class and learned to cope with my feelings. I learned what anxiety is and about the symptoms and this in itself helped me understand what was happening. There is a lot of great information on this site (don't google symptoms as this can make you feel worse). I learned how to breath correctly (belly breathing) and this helps me focus. I have also learned to talk through my thoughts so that they don't scare me. Then I distract myself so that I am not thinking about how I am feeling. I learned these techniques through my psychologist. I think talking to someone has helped me so much. Have you talked to a psychologist before? That might help. I am now a supply teacher. I never thought I would make it this far and I have. Having anxiety helps me relate to my students. I wish all teachers would not only teach their students, but support and encourage them as well. There is lots of support here. If you have any questions PM me anytime. I would be happy to help. You are not alone.
Take care,

07-01-07, 12:20
Hi, I know just how you feel- my panic attacks started at school when I was 13 too.

I also avoided going to classes where I felt dizzy and faint and ended up going home loads. It's hard for people to understand, but luckily my family have been very understanding.

By avoiding going places where you think you might panic you develop a fear of the place itself- which is what I now have- agoraphobia.

Everyone who has had PAs and agoraphobia will tell you that you must try not to avoid going to school, as it makes things worse. I suggest you learn to do deep breathing and try to go with the flow rather than fighting the feelings. It's easy to say and not at all easy to do, but all you can do is try your best.

Most importantly please don't beat yourself up if you do panic and run from the class- I know how hard it is and some days you'll feel more able to cope than others. PM me anytime- I hope things go well tomorrow, and try not to worry about it- that will only make you more anxious and ruin your weekend! Hope this helps.

Lucy :)

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.
-Marianne Williamson

07-01-07, 18:01
thanks for the help/info.
i use breathing technekes/relaxation oils and im about to start to do yoga at home.
none of it work though.
i dont no what to do.
please help.
kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

08-01-07, 01:47
Kelly, hi there - I hear your pain.

I too had an absolutelty Sh1x schooltime - that's why I ended up as I was in my 30's.

It took until then to begin to resolve what patterns had been set up in my childhood.

Now's not the time to talk about me (and it's NOT different for blokes - we still get the Sh1x kicked out of us and bullied as well )

The bummer is that no one seems to understand you. Schools have a habit of saying there's no problems and that YOU are the troublemaker.

Yes, it's raining here as well. Understand what you mean.

BTW you are about 10000000000% braver than 99.9999999999% of the population that have panic attacks etc since you ADMIT there's something behind them. When you can switch from focusing on the symptom and look for the cause, change can happen.

Keep talking - where there's a pulse there's life


08-01-07, 16:30
hi everyone..

well today was ok..better than i thought anyway, i was having fun with my mates alot.

but got sent home for having a panic attack.

my mums going into school on wednesday to ask the school if i can go out of class when i have a big panic attack and dont get sent home.

im scared though coz i feel like im moaning.

i need to overcome the panic attacks..coz i cant stand them..or the vishus circle, which is panic attacks..self harm..suicidal feelings.

i hope tommorows better.

kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

08-01-07, 23:59
Hello Kelly. Keep on posting cos we're all here to help you as we all help each other.

First though, does your mum know that you post here and is she ok with it? Like Nicola (nomorepanic) says, because you are so young and there are lots of adults who use this site (members and non-members) it's best if your mum is agreeable.

Most of us have experienced all the things you describe and they are horrible at the time they happen. But you can learn to live with them and overcome them. You've started already haven't you so don't give up! We don't know why these things happen to us most of the time and it all seems so unfair doesn't it? Reading your posts has reminded me of how I felt when I first started secondary school (a long, long time ago!) It was much like the feeling you are having about not wanting to go to school. This is because you're afraid of the panics happening. It's the fear of the panic that causes us grief darlin' not the actual panic. The actual panic can be over in minutes sometimes but the fear lingers on. So, try and keep on going to school like you have been, you are a very brave girl you know, braver than me at times lol!! The more people become aware of your difficulty, hopefully the more help will come your way.

Remember we are all here for you

lotsa luv

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

09-01-07, 16:01
thanks for the advice gg.

today has been ok..i had a row - ish with one of my teachers and she made me feel bad.

i had a talk with my mum yesterday about everything.

i had a small panic attack today but i delt with it and no - one noticed..if felt bad but was soon over..thank god.

mums got the meeting with the teacher tommorow which im scared about.

im still scared about school..but not as much.

i hope everything is going ok with everyone..remember to stay strong..if you ever want to talk pm/email me.

kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

10-01-07, 15:40
Hello Kelly!

Glad that things seem to be moving forward for you, even just a little. Well done for dealing with your panic, that's great....and a big step forward :)!!

Probably all of us, even when we feel a bit better, still get scared of some things so don't think this is unusual.

I hope one day you will feel a lot better and will feel like changing your signature to something like this......

' I love it when the sun shines....coz everyone can see you smiling ! '

lotsa luv to you

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

11-01-07, 16:50
yesterday was horible.. i felt dizzy and fell on the floor and everyone was laughing and stuff and then my teachers were actully being nice to me and said i can go to lessons when im ready..so i went coz i thought i was ready but my mates said that one of the teachers i trust have said that i only have them to get out of lessons i hate and everyone said im an attention seeker.

then..the police..the school and my teachers have made me start seeing the school counsellor and the school nurse but i dont trust them.

everyone keeps having a go at me for everything..saying i dont help myself but i do!


kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

11-01-07, 16:56
hi everyone..hope everythings ok.

today has been ok..I HAD NO PANIC ATTACKS! YEY!

i felt a bit unreal and stuff but im ok.

ive got a exit pass so i can go out of class if i have a big panic attack..so i can go to my teachers room..which is better.

kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

11-01-07, 20:31
Glad that you're ok- things will get better even if it doesn't seem like it atm.:)

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.
-Marianne Williamson

11-01-07, 23:09
Hi Kelly,
I am glad to hear you had a good day. If you ever need to talk PM me anytime.
Take care,

12-01-07, 00:01
Keep up the good work Kelly! :) And don't give up, you're doing so well !!

lots and lotsa luv

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

12-01-07, 16:21
todays been ok again, i didnt have any panic attacks! YEY!

im getting really scared about school now and im just lost..but ill be ok.

im so scared about pe and i dont no why.

kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

13-01-07, 14:22

Maybe your teachers are ignorant about panic.. you could print off a page or two of facts about panic to give to your home teacher.

PE will be great for you as it will use teh excess energy that you are producing with your anxiety and help you feel better for a few hours afterwards .

You are eating breakfast before you go to school aren't you and a mid morning snack ??


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

13-01-07, 16:20
hi everyone..

i gave my teacher info about panic last week and she kept it for 'futher refrence'

i do eat breakfast and a snack..ill do anything to feel better.

upto now everythings been ok.. i had a little panic attack in bed at night but im ok over that.

kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

13-01-07, 21:56
Hello Kelly,

(((((((((((((((((GRANNY HUG)))))))))))))))))....For you!!

lotsa luv

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

14-01-07, 16:53
hey there kel

How are you babes?? I was wondering wether you are aware what causes your panics?? youve done amazing with your panics, I know its hard for you to believe that but from an outsider you are!! Have you ever heard of positive affirmations, you repeat something positive to yourself over and over, i used to say, Im calm, im safe and im control!!

and believe it or not it works, Im virtually panic free!! Have been for months. there is an amazing website called youngminds, for young people like yourself!!!!! I think there is a contact number on there too.


14-01-07, 16:54
aww thanks gg your so kind.

todays been ok..ive felt quiet sad but im ok.

can i ask you something..if you want to do something coz you think theres no way out..should you do it?


kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

14-01-07, 16:59

im kind of ok thanks..i dont really no what causes the panic attacks..but i think it might be school coz im kind of scared of it.

thanks for the advice..ive tried doing the positive stuff..but i end up thinking im pathetic.

im glad your practically panic free..i will try out youngminds..it sounds good.

im not brave at all..your realise that soon enough.

kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

14-01-07, 17:43
Hi Kelly, thanks for your PM - I have replied to you.

Doing something just because there seems no other way out can be a pretty drastic thing to do, and might even make things worse. Talk to someone you trust or who you know will give you wise and unbiased advice, someone who has your best interests at heart and will help you make a good and right decision.

Lots of love to you darlin'.

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

14-01-07, 17:48
hi gg..

ive got no-one to talk to and everyone hates me and im so angry and messed up.

i dont think anyone would understand.

kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

14-01-07, 17:50
Kelly, PM me know if you want to. I'll be here for a while ok?

lotsa luv

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

15-01-07, 00:44
Hi Kelly,
I have PM you. I am here anytime you need to talk.
Take care,

15-01-07, 15:36
Hi Kelly
everyone is right do not avoid going as it is the fear of it that makes it worse
mine began at school too-i blamed being bullied
I still get them occasionaly now-think it is my age as now in 40s!
I had one today too
keep yur chin up-this site is great as everyone understands
I would like to know how we stop fearing it to happen tho-as think thsi is what makes it happen-not easy
Nigela x


15-01-07, 16:10

im so sorry everyone..im so so sorry..

i just want to say thanks..


kelly x

[x]...i love it when it rains...coz no-one can see you crying...[x]

15-01-07, 22:21
No need to apologise for anything Kelly.

We're all here for you love. Have PM'd you but reply only if and when you're ready ok?

lotsa luv

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

16-01-07, 14:56
I Replies to this yesterday-but can't see it anywhere!
Just to say-I understand Kelly-my first one was at school-however when i even think of it it happens again.
Nigela x


16-01-07, 14:57
OOP sorry yes found it!
thanks NIgela x
